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Iniquity September 5th, 2014 23:27

Looking for New Vest
Hi guys

looking for a new vest, I was looking at the Ciras but turns out it doesnt fit my small frame.

So now i'm looking into something smaller and light weight kinda like the JPC or the 6094. However the JPC restricts my movement (cause it's wide on me) and never tried the 6094.

Just wondering if anyone can give me some suggestion on what model to try and where to get them?

looking for budget friendly pricing.

any help would be great!

lurkingknight September 5th, 2014 23:36

I think the 6094 is bigger than the jpc... check out the threads on the banshee

1st thread bigger guys are talking about it, 2nd thread small guys are talking about it, but it's about the same size as the jpc since the plate is the deciding factor on the width. I think those are the smallest PCs you're going to find... they don't get much smaller. The banshee without the cummerbund I think is pretty damn small.

Also if you're budget limited:

If those don't fit you... you'll probably looking at some specialized realsteel stuff which is going to be a lot pricier.

blueforce gear plate minus maybe? it's not cheap.. 350...

You may also be restricted to chest rigs that you can wrap the straps around you a few times lol.

redzaku September 5th, 2014 23:38

What is your budget?
I would suggest a 5.11 plate either the full model or taclite
Or a chest rig by condor, they are made in Asian size so it would be best
But your best bet is heading to a your tactical store and try it on

lurkingknight September 5th, 2014 23:55

the tyr tactical lightweight plate carrier is also pretty small're not going to like the price though. lol.

monkey looks like a pretty small guy as well.

EchoFourTwelve September 6th, 2014 00:43

I'm a small guy, and the mayflower APC fits me really well. And doesn't really restrict my movement capabilities

Short Round September 6th, 2014 11:39

I have been running a Shelledback Banshee for the past 2+ years, compared to other Plate Carriers it is one of the smallest vests I have seen/used.

I am fairly small as well compared to basically everyone though so I am surprised the JPC was too wide on you. When I got mine I was able to adjust it properly to my body without any issues.

I'll list a bunch of Carriers I would recommend of anyone with a small stature though (at least all these would fit me so they should fit you in theory, unless you are a newborn, toddler, or a very very very small child)

- Crye JPC
- SKD PIG Plate Carrier
- Mayflower APC
- Blue Force Gear PLATEminus
- Shelledback Banshee
- Firstspear Assaulter Armor Carrier (or the SKD exclusive STT Plate Carrier)
- Grey Ghost Minimalist Plate Carrier

I am probably missing a few suggestions but personally I would highly recommend the Blue Force Gear PLATEminus, it literally is the lightest Plate Carrier you will ever use.

Keep in mind everything I listed is all RS gear so the price for these items will reflect that, but the quality will as well. To say the least I guaranteed you won't need another Plate Carrier/Vest in your airsoft lifetime.

DrunkenTeddy September 6th, 2014 15:45

I have a tactical tailor fight light plate carrier and it works very well, though that's closer to $300. The Grey Ghost Minimalist Plate Carrier is similar and about half the price, haven't used one in the field though but the build quality looks decent for the price.

Stealthee September 6th, 2014 16:13

I'm a short guy with a small frame and I wear the Eagle LE Plate Carrier in SM/MD, fits me good. Sits just above my belly button so I can still wear a battle belt if I wanted.

oniwagamaru September 6th, 2014 19:49

SORD plate hanger... it is really small and all you have to do is adjust the side straps. Keep in mind that you will not have molle real estate in the sides since there is no cumberbund.

Apathy September 6th, 2014 21:19

if you'd consider a chest rig, I love my RRV...i'm fairly small and it fits me great

Smokes May 7th, 2015 17:13

I picked up a condor modular chest set but it had too much slack for my comfort even with a hydration pack filled.

Anyone have any suggestions for plate carriers or chest rigs for a person ~5'6" and 30" at the navel?

I was looking at a Mayflower APC but their smallest cummerbund is something like 34" at the navel which I'm not too confident about.

waylander May 7th, 2015 17:51

How much are you looking to carry on it? If you're a minimalist like I am for most games then I can highly recommend the LBX armatus in medium. I'm a 32/33" waist and there's plenty of cinch space left.

Smokes May 7th, 2015 18:57


Originally Posted by waylander (Post 1945922)
How much are you looking to carry on it? If you're a minimalist like I am for most games then I can highly recommend the LBX armatus in medium. I'm a 32/33" waist and there's plenty of cinch space left.

I'd like to stick with my original plan of running with 10-12 mid caps for my primary (the condor chest rig I bought came with 6 mag pouches built in and that's how I planned to get away with that initially). A dump pouch, four or five secondary mag pouches (two of which are located on a nylon drop thigh holster I'm looking at buying), an admin/card pouch, hydration bladder and maybe even a TMC modular assault pack. Oh yeah, and comms.

So basically not minimalist in the slightest with a kit more adapt for 9-18 hour milsim events.

I've been looking at this Pantac SPC and judging from the dimensions given on Redwolf's website it looks like it will fit me but jesus murphy it is pricey:

Red62 May 9th, 2015 18:10

Inq! Why don't you ask Mr. Ying for his vest?

pugs144 May 9th, 2015 18:57

Why the fixation on plate carriers as opposed to vests or chest rigs if we're talking about "minimalism"?

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