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Spookums August 3rd, 2014 02:30

Need help finding new gear! [Knee/Shin and Arm Pro]
Hey everyone, I am currently in the process of shopping around for additional protective gear to be used in a juggernaut armored project and could use some help and advice.

I am mainly looking for full length knee/shin protectors to replace my current knee-only pads for the look of added bulk/added armor, as well as full forearm and elbow protection, or interlocking parts/pads that work well together for the upper arms, elbows and forearms. Not as important on the list would be inner/outer thigh protection, possibly something with MOLLE so I can attach a pistol holster to them.

My current setup gear includes OD elbow and knee pads by alta shingled on my arms as well as cadpat knee pads by alta. This is what everything looks like with the current setup, and you can see what I mean by shingling the knee and elbow pads on the arms, as well as the cadpat knee pads here.

In my search I have found a couple different pieces of gear to be possible replacements for knee and leg pro, the Damascus DSG100 (Imperial) hard shell knee and shin protectors with detachable foot padding, or the Hatch TS70 Centurion hard shell knee and shin guards. As for the forearm and elbow protection replacement, I was looking at this, the Hatch Exotech forearm/elbow protectors, as they provide full coverage from the wrist up to the elbow as well as covering the inside of the arms (something my current padding is lacking).

Has anyone in the community had any use out of this equipment, or something similar that can compare? If so, what is your opinion of these pieces? Comparable in quality to similar gear you have used?

I am trying to also hunt down somewhere that I can find these pieces at a reasonable cost. As an example, the Damascus full leg protectors sell on for approx $54.99 before tax and anything else, but on they start at $114.99 before tax. I know I know, importation and all of that. It just sucks to see is all. :D Does anyone know any Canadian-based sites that might sell the above gear or something comparable for a lower cost than what I have found with shipping in from the Canadian Amazon? If I try to order from via the US the taxes and import fees alone for the Damascus brings it out to around $86; so if I can find a way to save a little bit off that it would be nice. I have been doing some searching so far and most of what comes up is for Amazon or sites based in the US for riot control gear. I will be continuing my own search beyond this but thought asking the community might bring some aid a bit more quickly, or open up to ideas for totally different gear all together.

I would be planning on painting the above gear OD green, or if you guys have any suggested equipment that already comes in OD that would save me some work! :tup:

I appreciate any constructive critique and advice on this, and thank you for taking the time to check out my post!

* If you would like to check out updates on the suit project, the thread for it can be found here!

Red Dot August 3rd, 2014 08:33

I would check out motor-cross gear, they have a lot of body armor systems that are quite flexible and mobile. I used to know of a great website that sold stuff for cheap, I'll try to dig it up after work.

FOX_111 August 3rd, 2014 12:10

Contact The Boss. He does movie quality armour and other costumes and props. He know his way around padding and protection.

He's the best guy I know to find stuff so you don't like a total noob in motocross equipment.

lurkingknight August 3rd, 2014 14:32

I have a damascus vest I would like to get rid of. contact me if you need it/want the matching set. I'll let it go cheap.

this vest and shoulder pads

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