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cav. April 10th, 2013 14:45

Recommened BBs in a pistol
Hi guys! I just received my KWA M1911 MK I. Opened the box and it says "Recommended use with 0.25g BBs." My question is, some games require you to have a gun that will not go over 350-360FPS shooting on .20g BBs. Does that mean I will not be able to use my pistol because it only takes .25g BB?

Still new at this :( Enlightenment is welcomed!

testtube April 10th, 2013 14:48

chrony your gun on .20 to see the velocity. you can use whatever weight you want in the pistol it's personal preference.

L473ncy April 10th, 2013 14:49

No, you can still use it. Just make sure that when you do the initial chrono that it's under the limits.

Reason it's recommended is because the hop ups are usually tuned for those weights. Most TM springer pistols with fixed hop ups are tuned for .25g BB's.

In CQB you will chrono with .20g then use whatever you want. Typically I rock .25's for FIBUA/CQC games (eg. in a "CQB village" or indoor field) and .28's for outdoor longer range games.

cav. April 10th, 2013 15:09

Oh ok. Thanks guys, I thought you had to use the recommended BB's stated in the game rules and on the gun. Thanks :D That clears things up for me!

Hectic April 10th, 2013 16:09

All the above is true and id suggest 28 or even 30 see what the gun likes best but keep in mind alot of indoor places only allow the use of 20's no higher so youll need some for those places

cav. April 10th, 2013 20:23


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1782674)
All the above is true and id suggest 28 or even 30 see what the gun likes best but keep in mind alot of indoor places only allow the use of 20's no higher so youll need some for those places

Yeah, I'll just buy a bag or two of 20s :) Already have a bag of 25

Thanks :D

Eeyore April 10th, 2013 20:37

GBB pistols love .28's. And I had a TM MK 23 Socom that thrived off of .30's.

cav. April 10th, 2013 21:21

Haha yeah?? I need to check what the FPS on the M1911 >_> Im hoping I wont need to downgrade anything :(

Is it worth getting a chrono as a beginner?

K3vX April 10th, 2013 21:35

For the chrono, it's a "big" investment at first, but I bought mine and don't regret it.

Just get a good one, even if the price is higher. The ASC first choice would be the xCortech x3200, around 90$, and since you have the same as everyone else, your readings won't be off with the community.

BennyBoy April 10th, 2013 21:36

I'll find out if my KWA 23 n Usp will like .3s shortly ;)

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2

cav. April 10th, 2013 21:39


Originally Posted by K3vX (Post 1782821)
For the chrono, it's a "big" investment at first, but I bought mine and don't regret it.

Just get a good one, even if the price is higher. The ASC first choice would be the xCortech x3200, around 90$, and since you have the same as everyone else, your readings won't be off with the community.

That was the one I was looking into..and also the one from Evike coz it's cheap. But reading reviews about Evike and the fact that it looks too good to be true, I will shell out a bit more! You get what you pay for :C Thanks!

w1lp33 April 10th, 2013 21:58

I use nothing but .28 and .3 in my pistols... Gas guns love heavy bbs :-)

L473ncy April 10th, 2013 22:29

Note the reason why I run .25's indoors is because of the shorter engagement distances and the heavier the BB the longer it stays in the barrel for gas to act on it (gas expansion vs a more "linear" compression of a piston in an electric). For a short pistol it's not a big difference but in a gas rifle with a longer barrel you can actually increase the energy output of the BB significantly when using heavier BB's.

tl;dr Mind the energy output of a gas gun and the weight of BB you use. While in an electric it's more or less linear so a .20 will take the same energy as a .25 or heavier (they just move slower due to the momentum equation "m1v1=m2v2").

cav. April 10th, 2013 22:49


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1782838)
Note the reason why I run .25's indoors is because of the shorter engagement distances and the heavier the BB the longer it stays in the barrel for gas to act on it (gas expansion vs a more "linear" compression of a piston in an electric). For a short pistol it's not a big difference but in a gas rifle with a longer barrel you can actually increase the energy output of the BB significantly when using heavier BB's.

tl;dr Mind the energy output of a gas gun and the weight of BB you use. While in an electric it's more or less linear so a .20 will take the same energy as a .25 or heavier (they just move slower due to the momentum equation "m1v1=m2v2").

I probably will buy a bag of 28s to see the difference. Since my rifle is also a GBB, chances are I will just run with 20s and 25s. Dont think Ill do much outdoor events. Its good to know though :D

Mr. Gruntsworthy April 11th, 2013 01:19

Generally the idea I find is that you use one grade weight higher outdoors. So for instance, if you use .20's for CQB, you'd use .23's for outdoors. That's the pattern I'm noticing.

Alas, my gun has a garbage fps and only fires @ 310 fps, so I'm stuck with .20's and .23's. :/

Also, a little off-topic, but cav, I noticed you're in Sheridan's animation program. Just a friendly hello from a Durham College Game Dev student!

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