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BrokenBird August 13th, 2011 10:27

Grenade launchers
I saw a few people use grenade launchers and frankly I was a bit disappointed by the range they got. Maybe it was only their model...

What is the average range for those BB showers? Is there models that have more range?


wildcard August 13th, 2011 10:40

They suck if you use propane/greengas, I use only the madbull CO2 nades available at airsoftparts. Keep in mind the M.E.D if you are using these nades at 600+ psi it can hurt real bad if fired at close range and also unless you are using the madbull launcher, upgrade your triggers, firing pin and stiffer trigger spring on your launcher to steel. Typically We ran ours at a friendly 400psi for indoors, outdoors we ran it at 600psi for the assholes/bunker huggers and non callers we have a special 900psi rounds.

The red ones are what we call "cherries" Xm108HP the golden ones are our "yellow Dildos" XM204HP HP stands for Hi power these are the only nades you should use they are CO2 capable you can charge these to 800 psi if you want (for those supermen in your field), then there are the less powerfull CO2 nades M92A1 then there are also the all purpose nades the XMPB4 where you can put paintballs in them. If you want more penetrating power then go with the XM993 8mm nades or the slugshot M576, if you want to convert this to HP series just swap the internals and the valves

surebet August 13th, 2011 10:51

Ran with 204's at Rawdon a while back, not only are they loud as fuck but they are devastating.

As with all things, people cheap out. A decent 203 setup will push past 1000$, which is why people go for propane shells. They are decent in CQB (as I wouldn't want to catch a 204 volley in the face at close range) but the second you are outside, bleh.

wildcard August 13th, 2011 10:57


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 1516380)
As with all things, people cheap out. A decent 203 setup will push past 1000$, which is why people go for propane shells.

That's $1000 in shells alone, it depend how much you want to spend on the giggle factor from firing these CO2 nades, personally I've gone over the fucking cliffs with these nades 60x cherries and 60x yellow dildos for my 6 plus nades launchers

surebet August 13th, 2011 11:09

Please tell me you have a MK 19 to go with those lol

wildcard August 13th, 2011 11:12


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 1516391)
Please tell me you have a MK 19 to go with those lol

I wish, if they ever make one I'll buy it. right now it's just the CAW revolver launcher, 3x madbull long launchers, King Arms M79, G&P jungle long (on my M16A2) Classic army Long 203 Launcher (need trigger) and my AABB personal "FUCK YOU" grenade pistol

coach August 13th, 2011 11:47

As Wildcard mentioned, go CO2 or go home!

Not only is propane grossly underpowered but in an indoor environment stinks the place up real quick. I'd much rather under charge with CO2 in the 350-400psi than use propane again.

Propane 40's go pop.
CO2 40's are a heck of a lot more satisfying!

People can hear them from a long ways away and sometimes my team checks in over comms, after I've unloaded a few rounds, asking if I need reinforcements. Most times than not, the reply usually goes "No, I'm good. Most of them are dead, all the rest got scared and ran off!".

Strelok August 13th, 2011 11:49

So, on C02, what would you say the range is on an average madbull shell? I'm looking to make a launcher from scratch for shits and giggles~

coach August 13th, 2011 11:51


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1516406)
So, on C02, what would you say the range is on an average madbull shell? I'm looking to make a launcher from scratch for shits and giggles~

For cherries(xm108hp), kings(xm204hp) and multi's(xmpb4) all can get a level 75'+ trajectory on a 600psi charge. I've gotten confirmed kills well out past 120'.

If you're making a launcher, make sure your firing pin and trigger system is all metal!

surebet August 13th, 2011 13:32

At 45ยด* with the wind in my back I'd guestimate even wilder figures, say 300+ feet, but the scatter becomes so large it's a crap shoot.

At the very least you keep up with AEGs, except you're weilding a 200 BB shotgun :D

BrokenBird August 14th, 2011 00:45

Excellent going CO2 for sure, thanks

mmmken August 14th, 2011 02:00


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1516381)
That's $1000 in shells alone, it depend how much you want to spend on the giggle factor from firing these CO2 nades, personally I've gone over the fucking cliffs with these nades 60x cherries and 60x yellow dildos for my 6 plus nades launchers

What I really want to know is how do you have so much patience from getting ready at games? I tried running with 15+ Tornadoes at a game, and reloading them took ages. I stopped bringing them to games afterwards.

I can't imagine what reloading all of those would be like since they're much harder to load than Tornadoes.

mmmken August 14th, 2011 02:23


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1516725)
At our last game you threw a grenade over some cover when we were playing CTF. It didn't hit anyone, and we thought it would be hilarious to throw it back.:D

That was Kingofthewok, lol. I didn't have my grenades yet.

I used them at the Waterdown game and actually lost one.. probably because I was tossing them more than I was actually shooting at people, lol!

wildcard August 14th, 2011 10:13


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1516723)
What I really want to know is how do you have so much patience from getting ready at games? I tried running with 15+ Tornadoes at a game, and reloading them took ages. I stopped bringing them to games afterwards.

I can't imagine what reloading all of those would be like since they're much harder to load than Tornadoes.

The answer to your question is simple "the giggle factor" everytime coachster, duckman and I fired our nades we giggle like kids, especially when the opponents were using propane powered nades, seeing them yelled out hit, hit, hit or seeing the survivor ran for cover is priceless. One of the games I recalled was a stalemate in a corridor the otherside were firing and then one of them decide to fire a 40mm nades down the hall (about 150ft) it barely reached half way, my response with the CO2 were more satisfying, after firing three rapid rounds with my revolver launcher, making everyone deaf we could see about half of those hunkered down walked off, the remaining squad was very cautious when they poked their heads out, then one of those guys shouted he's empty, get them!.....three more shots later another 8 fell victim to the 108 cherries.......Fuck he's out get him!.....Two more shots of the 204 glden dildo the last three called hit, on the way out they could not beleive their eyes and noticed that 20plus guys can't past a corridor being held down by two shooter and a grenadier with too many nades. I change the configuration on my launcher all the time (sometime the opponents would count my shots) The launcher revolver can be reconfigured with additional launchers attached to the rail system.

Reckless August 14th, 2011 13:41

imagining the c02 nades have infinately more giggle factor then the madbull shotshells on Co2 ... I dunno if I should step into the grenadier field LOL ... when I had my double barrel on madbull CO2 shells it was useless past 50ft ... but it sounded like a .22 going off. I would carry it as a "special sidearm" and people would forget I had it, till it went off ... then every single person that hadn't seen me pull it would hit the ground for 100ft around me (my team or not) ... and I would have one of those evil madman giggle 'fit' ..

I might not be able to regain my composure at all from a CO2 40mm ... have to get stretchered off the field with the launcher in a deadman hold and a stupid joker grin permenately afixed....

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