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Ninja_En_Short July 8th, 2011 01:03

A talk of "Cheap"
Hello people,

Let’s start with what this thread is all about:

In the last two years I spent here I have seen people coming to me with AEG (mainly) going “Ninja save my gun plz”. But After two years of very poorly constructed AEGs, screwdrivers or my GB knife stuck in my fingers or hands because I had to force open guns that were not meant to be disassembled (ever), Ninja is a “tiny bit” fed up.
So now I will tell what to buy and what not to buy. After that, if you still want to be ripped off that’s your issue.
I will also start very soon a review website with videos to explain everything about cheap (PS: I’m an Internet Explorer hater so go get Chrome or Firefox at once! :P).

First I need to tell you a very basic thing about cheaps (not the ones you eat or play with in an Indian casino): yes it is made by underpaid Chinese workers, yes it is not as good as a shiny brand but Hell! Some are indeed piece of crap, but some have gone a very, very long way since the first Marui clones and some are actually exceptional if you’re ready to make a few mods or pay a guy like me to do them in your place.

Most of us have at least heard some names like Jing Gong, Cyma or Galaxy. Those three are the most commonly known here in Canada. I will concentrate on AEGs for now, even though I know some people are considering me as the GBBR doc in Montreal, but more importantly the ones worth my time and above all: your wallet one.

Last point : these lines are only meant to be a general overview of the brand, for the case-by-case version you will have to ask directly OR wait for a review.

This part below is about AEGs, not shotguns, not GBBRs, AEG only.

What's a cheap ?
A regular question for newcomers : "Cheap" is a common name given to a very wide range of guns no matter if they're AEG, GBB or GBBR usually under 250$ (Hong Kong prices).
These guns are mainly made in China with less quality control which can result in more or less serious lemons from paint chipping to broken gearbox.
Some are just poorly designed (like some high end ones I might say) with pot metal or pot plastic (even worse) that will cark easily and then someday you end up with one half of gun in each hand... that may ruin your day. :rolleyes:

Jing Gong
This one came out of darkness with a clone of the Marui G36. At the time, sorry, even now this gun is still very popular and known for its sturdiness and very low price yet the bodies were giving off the cheap construction. They tried to continue with decent AKs and MP5s but unfortunately all plastic which was a huge turndown for guys like me (i.e. 99% of the community) who demands metal where the real gun has metal. This with a few exceptions like M4s, HK416s and SR25 of various qualities, even between two guns of the same model, yet they were decent full metal.
The gearboxes were very decent for the price but often needed and new piston head and cylinder because it had leaks, after that it was a gun with power between 390 and 470, huge gap indeed…
Nowadays JG is pretty much gone from market even if we still see some small batch of guns appear now and then (Uncompany got some this week).

For me and many, many users, the absolute best cheap brand of these last years. They began small with plastic AKs and MP5s cloned from Marui and a tiny bit under JG in terms of quality but unlike JG, they knew they had to evolve to make a name for themselves and quickly started making them in aluminum alloy (some are actually steel now).
They have perfected their manufacturing processes with time and even though the GB could still be improved (like any cheap) they are the absolute kings of cheap AKs and MP5s, the firsts being Marui clones, the seconds being G&G ones. They feature beautiful metal bodies and incredibly sturdy.
Also, one thing I like about their MP5 lineup in addition of featuring many models is that they actually have a proper MP5 weight which is a heavy SMG (it’s a G3 in 9mm remember) and very easy to disassemble. The Galaxy ones are giving me nightmares, they look at me angry in my sleep I know it!
For the AK they also have a very wide choice of models and for old style fans they even feature wood stocks and hand guards. Even me who doesn’t like AK very much want one for collection… plus playing Taliban with M4 is no fun . :D
They also make the M1 Thompson version ;)

Dboys/Kalash (they’re the same)
CYMA is huge but they don’t do AR types. This is where Dboys comes in. They have decent quality and a wide choice of guns too (they’re one of the only manufacturers to make the Troy CASV for example). Some players have reported a tendency of the painting to chip which is true on some old models that had a pretty sloppy paint job. Nowadays they make very decent models, including the only true alternative to the VFC SCAR L (discontinued by USA by the way, only the SCAR H/MK17 remains). There is no real way to know which gun is old or new version given they’re usually mixed up but nowadays shops are normally out of old versions. Gearbox, like always, is subject to huge difference of power and may need adjustments (or not).
Kalash is exactly the same brand but they sell AKs… and really not the best. Even though they look ok from the outside there are known to have sloppy, almost specific dimensions and may demand a huge effort to adapt to other brand hop up block and magazines (I hurt myself several times doing the job on Long Bong former AK). For my hands sake, you Russian fans go pick up a CYMA.

Another of my favorites, mostly because they make an affordable and very decent version of the SR25 in both standard and Battle Entry Carbine version as well as the MK43 (wrongly called M60E4). Yet they are also known to be manufacturing the Masada and ACR (they didn’t develop it) for Magpul PTS and M249 in standard and paratrooper versions. The ones I just told you about are sturdy and reliable for some time yet they usually quickly need fixing leaks on the compression system and change from crappy 6 or 7 mm plastic bushings to bearings. The rest of the gearbox is reinforced and able to hold very well against high power or 11.1V batteries. Another I like them is that they tend to keep their guns in a range of power so we can use it directly (400 fps-ish).

(big enough ?)

I will not detail every single/numerous flaw(s) they have, just know they have a pain is my ass enough for me to hate them. Just don't buy these EVER !
I'll bluescreen all your guns past present and future if you do.

- Well (Never ever ever ever ever times infinity twice)
- Both Elephant (Same)
- Galaxy (same as before only times infinity just once)
- Double Eagle (except UMP)
- Unicorn (seriously, needed me to tell you that ?)
- Cybergun (because they don’t make anything, just resell any crap they get for 3-5 times what it’s worth)

I will edit this thread from time to time to bring you reviews about cheap and exclusively cheap. For the rest you can ask around you.
I will try to bring at least one new review each month on a cheap in video for you to make your choice and I remain open to PM for your question.


Ninja_En_Short July 8th, 2011 01:03

Reserved for reviews list

Kingsix July 8th, 2011 01:11

How about APS?

Able1 July 8th, 2011 02:05


Greyhame888 July 8th, 2011 02:18


Originally Posted by Able1 (Post 1497292)

99% of the time I would agree with that. However, if you are in the market for a cheap yet gameable tri-shot shotgun, grab the Crosman S34P. Seriously, it uses Marui shells and with a quick layer of black Krylon it looks great. Hell, I've even heard of guys tearing them apart to fix broken bits in their TM M3s.

And for ~$100 at Canadian Tire or WalMart, who can complain?

Able1 July 8th, 2011 02:29

Ya Double eagle makes a clone of the Tri shot system.

Styrak July 8th, 2011 02:40


Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short (Post 1497260)
(big enough ?)
- Cybergun (because they don’t make anything, just resell any crap they get for 3-5 times what it’s worth)

Why should you not buy Cybergun, when they're just rebrands of the brands you listed? Pretty much all their good AK's are CYMA, etc.

Tex July 8th, 2011 03:19

PS if you are going to do something like this take the time to research everything in your posts before posting it you will be called out on it around here.

ehobbyasia July 8th, 2011 05:53

Double Eagle M56 is the best money i have invested in airsoft.
I have 3 different models, and always have one on my kit.
and always use it as primary for CQB.
although its range is a little limiting out doors.

but love it when i have a primary gun out of ammo, gas, battery or broken down.
Oh noes, i have to use my poor shot gun, just add a little skill. hahahahaha. suckers!

you have to remember some times, one mans cheap trash is another mans uber pwnage!

venture July 8th, 2011 06:16

I think it is a very nice post. It spoke very closely to what I myself have experienced.

I would like to add a brand and my story for why:

I have just decided, for the same reasons as the OP, to put a "warning" on all SRC AEG's. If someone brings an SRC AEG to me I will quote them my regular price and then inform them that the price could overrun by as much as 50% if the gun gives me lots of time consuming trouble. I am tired of these cheap crappy guns. Trired of bleeding so that newbie X can save $35 on his gun purchase. I have yet to have an SRC gb go together without my having to take a tiny screwdriver and manipulate the gears to get the shafts into the right half of the the shell. All along having the AR latch trying to hop out of a poorly made hole for it and the trigger doing the same.

I had an SRC RPK in for warranty work ( I am service tech for several NS retailers) and I found it very difficult to work with. I had another in my store, sold it to a friend and have been fine tuning and repairing it for him ever since. I have already given him a CNC aluminum hopup unit. Venture Airsoft will no longer stock SRC units and will only bring them in on special request of a customer.

The final straw was an SRC M4 I was working on yesterday for a customer. It was another piece of SH#T! I put a new spring in for buddy, a simple M110, and of course had to guide every shaft into place. Went outside, tested it. Shooting about 360. After about 50-70 shots the piston strips. What a handful of crap it was. That is when I decided that SRC is on my "Grey List" whereby customers will be warned that they are leaving a piece of crap with me and I may have to increase labour times to accomodate the difficulties presented by trying to piece together such crap.

Boyso July 8th, 2011 09:11

I can confirm that the Cyma (Cybergun now, cyma is nowhere to be found) Thompson is the best money I've invested in the sport.

baker_Jeff July 8th, 2011 10:01

You can't really put Cybergun under "do not buy", because of why you listed, they just rebrand. Their prices really aren't that bad (I buy direct), we've just been gouged on their stuff in the past.

sarosh July 8th, 2011 10:04

my cyma mp5 electric blow back it the best investment ive made, heavy as hell and sturdy and its been my primary for 3 years, shoots awesome and has never had any major problems, only minor cosmetic but nothing serious.

Gunny_McSmith July 8th, 2011 10:54

The A&K Masada/ACR is no longer sold under the A&K brand, Cybergun got the license from Magpul Ind. ....

@Venture Totally agree, SRC m4 mechboxes are such a pain to put back together, You have to hold the trigger, play with the gear axels, and hold the AR latch, to be able to close the GB shell.....

But the worst part is, getting to the GB.... its such a pain in the A$$ to disassemble those guns....

PS: Is it me or SRC has a 25-50% chance of lemons?

Skladfin July 8th, 2011 10:55

one of my pet peeve is someone buying cheap shit in general and complain about their inability to perform the job. No shit.

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