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GBear March 25th, 2010 11:11

Down right noob

GBear here and as the title states, I am down right noob! I have only played a few games of paintball and airsoft (paintball more recently). I played a bit of airsoft back when I was in California when I was much younger. I have always wanted to get back into it but never had the money until recently. I had just met with Zeonprime yesterday to get age verified. We talked for a bit, I told him my price range of roughly $500. He suggested going with ARES. Their AEGs look amazing and most likely going with them. However, what do you guys recommend, in terms of guns and also as a very new player starting from ground zero? I've been reading up on the FAQs and learning as much as possible. I would just like some user recommendations and such.

m102404 March 25th, 2010 11:17

I usually write up something really long...just too tired today.

Read THIS...then buy an M4.

Out of all the guns commonly out there now, and if I were to buy an AEG instead of a gas rifle or PTW...I'd buy the VFC SOPMOD M4 or a VFC SR16 if I wasn't going to build a rifle from scratch...or a 249, 'cause I really miss my SAW.



deep in the bush March 25th, 2010 11:21


too funny Tys.

read his link then buy a G36 :)

m102404 March 25th, 2010 11:22

I posted first...he's got to buy a M4 :)

Thank god none of the AK guys are litterate....HAHAHAHAHA

deep in the bush March 25th, 2010 11:29

So true brother, so true

...oh crap I have 3 AK's

GBear March 25th, 2010 11:35

Haha, I was actually really interested in the ARES G36 or SR-25. Although the SR-25 is a sniper rifle, I like how there's a full auto function. :P

I think M4s are way too common and personally, I don't really like the way it looks. I mean, it looks amazing, but I think there's better.

m102404 March 25th, 2010 11:38

Shoot...lost one. :)

Sounds like you've got it narrowed down then.

Consider battery capacity, storing the mags in a vest/rig, replacement mechbox parts.

Then pick one.

Then save up and buy the other one. :)

* I would highly recommend that you get out to a game and try some different rifles out if you haven't already. You might find that one setup or another doesn't really fit you well.

GBear March 25th, 2010 11:47

Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Zeonprime told me there will be one on the 18th.

CimmShark March 25th, 2010 11:47


Originally Posted by GBear (Post 1194827)
Haha, I was actually really interested in the ARES G36 or SR-25. Although the SR-25 is a sniper rifle, I like how there's a full auto function. :P

I think M4s are way too common and personally, I don't really like the way it looks. I mean, it looks amazing, but I think there's better.

lol yeah i'd say you lost the M4 battle m102404.

But if you want to get the SR-25 you're going to have to get certified with the ASC system to be able to play with them on their fields. Read into the Sniper Clinic thats happening in 2 weeks.

ShelledPants March 25th, 2010 11:53


Originally Posted by CimmShark (Post 1194834)
lol yeah i'd say you lost the M4 battle m102404.

But if you want to get the SR-25 you're going to have to get certified with the ASC system to be able to play with them on their fields. Read into the Sniper Clinic thats happening in 2 weeks.

Uh, wut?

You don't need to be part of the sniper clinic to shoot a "sniper" rifle, unless you want to take advantage of shooting at a higher fps limit than regular AEG limits.

If the SR-25 shoots <400fps, you're good to go.

If you want to shoot higher than that, you need to make it fire semi only (as in, mechanically or electronically lock it out of full auto), and then take part in the sniper course or get the ok from the local game host before bringing it out to the field.

Styrak March 25th, 2010 11:57


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1194816)
I posted first...he's got to buy a M4 :)

Thank god none of the AK guys are litterate....HAHAHAHAHA

durr wut u sai? i haz rpk and it much bettar!

deep in the bush March 25th, 2010 11:58


Another G36 user.

But yes go to a game first, ask around to hold and look. Ask about experieinces with them how is it in bad weather, how is it over a year of use, how do you buy a G36?

The guys are great at games escpeially Zeon's cast of thousands. , they will happily spread "the knowledge". The cats in KW rock as far as making you feel welcome.

CimmShark March 25th, 2010 11:59


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1194841)
Uh, wut?

You don't need to be part of the sniper clinic to shoot a "sniper" rifle, unless you want to take advantage of shooting higher than AEG limits.

If the SR-25 shoots <400fps, you're good to go.

If you want to shoot higher than that, you need to make it fire semi only (as in, mechanically or electronically lock it out of full auto), and then take part in the sniper course or get the ok from the local game host before bringing it out to the field.

Sorry dude, I should have put that down not what I said. I responded to that as my boss was coming to see a drawing and didn't go into details. Thank you for clearing it up Shelled

ShelledPants March 25th, 2010 12:00


Originally Posted by CimmShark (Post 1194848)
Sorry dude, I should have put that down not what I said. I responded to that as my boss was coming to see a drawing and didn't go into details. Thank you for clearing it up Shelled

S'all good. Now get back to work. D: <

CimmShark March 25th, 2010 12:01


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1194849)
S'all good. Now get back to work. D: <

Hell no lol now it's time for lunch :rolleyes:

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