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NANA March 2nd, 2015 12:07

Break in at Clarington Woods Airsoft
It is with great sadness that I report a break in at our local field. Many rental gun were stolen as well as some game props. Below you will find a link to the facebook group where you can find pics of the stolen iteams. Please keep an eye open on your local buy and sell sites.

The field owner Paul has invested thousands in this field and many of us have spent hundreds of hours building and working at the field. Any info that anyone can provide will be a great help.

Scott Foden.

Let me know if the link dosent work.

Pazuzu March 2nd, 2015 12:22

Link works

FirestormX March 2nd, 2015 13:38

That's terrible news, and I'm sorry to hear about it. I'll take a look at the facebook page when I'm not at work, and will keep an eye out for any of it.
The unfortunate thing about guns, is that it's difficult to make them look unique, and easy to modify their look if they are unique.

NANA March 2nd, 2015 14:04

Oh the guns are long gone. I dont expect to see them again. A small list of what was taken:rental guns - stock M4's, Black M14 SOCOM, GBBB Beige M4 and some stock AK's. Also flare guns, blank shooting pistol, 25 NiMh batteries, 10,000 bb's, 2 mannequin helmets and most prized --my ENTAC anti-tank deactivated missle prop.

QKLee11 March 2nd, 2015 17:55


Originally Posted by NANA (Post 1936597)
Oh the guns are long gone. I dont expect to see them again. A small list of what was taken:rental guns - stock M4's, Black M14 SOCOM, GBBB Beige M4 and some stock AK's. Also flare guns, blank shooting pistol, 25 NiMh batteries, 10,000 bb's, 2 mannequin helmets and most prized --my ENTAC anti-tank deactivated missle prop.

Such a shame man, I hope some of it turns up and you get it back...the ENTAC PROP is very recognizeable and I am not aware if anyone else has one

pusangani March 2nd, 2015 21:20

Sorry to say but the prop likely got tossed, they wouldn't wanna sit on something so easily recognizable and hard to sell for a long time.

Styrak March 2nd, 2015 21:30

Why the hell would they steal it in the first place?!

Criminals are fucking dumb.

Kaao March 6th, 2015 00:55

Pretty ballsy some specialized stuff they stole I'm opening an indoor arena in Peterborough will keep my eyes out for any really cheap guns for sure. As well as the missile prop. The sad part is I'm sure if these folks are caught they will be banned from the sport for most of Ontario pretty tight community.

Styrak March 6th, 2015 09:54

Given that they would be in jail...........yes.

Jo_Canadian March 6th, 2015 12:40

Was reading about this. I have a feelingthe guns will crop up on Craigslist.

siggypoo March 6th, 2015 13:06

Or eBay, or Kijiji. Post pics of all you can and in sure the community will keep an eye out and contact you.
I live on eBay and always search for airsoft in Canada.

L473ncy March 6th, 2015 14:27

Were there serial numbers or anything identifying on the rentals? Secret engravings? It'll be hard to prove they were your rentals unless you have engravings and they weren't scratched off or anything (don't say where the markings are publicly in the thread just in case this thread is being looked at).

I was reading a thing about this exact topic a couple weeks ago where a guy had 4 real steel guns stolen in addition to 40 "replicas" (I'm assuming a mix of airsoft and pellet guns). If the guy(s) who stole his guns gets caught, they're going to be really fucked because of the real steel thing. That said I think the title of the article I linked to is a bit sensationalist.

localfreerider March 6th, 2015 15:47

I think there is a good chance the perp was familiar with the target location and knew before hand what he wanted to take, I don't think it is likely that it was a random incident. I really hope you get your gear back and I will be doing my part to keep an eye out for them.

Given the size and type of community we have it seems like alot of risk for very little reward, I don't know what there lacking more of, morals or intelligence?

Jo_Canadian March 6th, 2015 17:38

Probably a combination of all of the above. I mean the second they are found out they are black listed by the community and by the sites and stores.

I really hope they are found and made an example of.

RainyEyes March 6th, 2015 19:13

Is it possible to get a full inventory list of what was stolen?

NANA March 6th, 2015 20:03

7 Attachment(s)
Here are some pics of the stolen items. I will ask the owner Paul for a list and post it up here. Any info can be sent to me via pm or to Paul Whitsitt himself at or call/txt at 905 447-3622.

I will post more pics and info as i get it. Thank you all for your support. Paul and everyone involved with Clarington Woods are very greatful.

lt_poncho March 8th, 2015 22:39

Disgusting to hear - I really hope this turns up soon. Pathetic behaviour.

Red Dot March 8th, 2015 23:56

That missile prop is pretty distinct, for sure that's the dead ringer if someone sees it.

shift6 March 23rd, 2015 13:41

RainyEyes March 23rd, 2015 14:26


Originally Posted by shift6 (Post 1939933)

Link is safe just fyi.

Good news to see, but it's a shame that these kids behaved so poorly. It's not like airsoft is regulated like real firearms which requires a thorough process to acquire.

Styrak March 23rd, 2015 15:51


pellets rifles

But good that everything was recovered.

NANA March 23rd, 2015 16:06

The only thing we have yet to track down is the anti tank miss. Of course thats the one thing he really wanted back.

Thanks again to everyone for all your help and support.

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