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daishi September 12th, 2013 16:21

Removing KWA warnings
As the title says, how would one go around removing the ugly white paragraph of warnings from the slide of a kwa pistol? I dont want to repaint the slide as I like having the trades and I dont want to damage it either. How would I just remove the letters of the white paragraph?

Trev140_0 September 12th, 2013 17:41

I am not sure what this paragraph looks like. Is this engraved with white lettering?

Drake September 12th, 2013 17:47

Depends on the paint that was used (don't own one personally, but I know what text you mean); Jig-a-loo tends to dissolve some paints (like a lot of the orange tips), otherwise you could try nail polish remover -- but no guarantee it won't damage the finish under it.

daishi September 12th, 2013 18:04

1 Attachment(s)
The lettering looks like this. It has been applied on top of the black paint of the slide. Aka it is not etched.

jordan7831 September 12th, 2013 18:10

Arnt those warnings injet printed onto the slide? Could a razor blade and a steady hand remove it without damaging the paint underneath?

My thinking is that the warning paint is super thin compared to the much thicker paint coating the slide. So using a razor shouldnt damage it much at all. But I would try maybe some nail polish remover on a very very small spot (like 1 letter) before trying other methods.

Brit ter September 12th, 2013 18:30

Permanent magic marker in black

kullwarrior September 12th, 2013 19:12

AFAIK they are laser etched

GBBR September 12th, 2013 19:15

try a quick rub of acetone

j3ttamaster September 12th, 2013 19:59

1000 grt or 2000 grit sandpaper then used a dremel with a buffing wheel (low speed) on my team mates mp7 turn out great.

j3ttamaster September 12th, 2013 20:00

polymer body so might not work the same for a metal frame

coach September 12th, 2013 21:23

Black sharpie or get some mud on it!

Redneck Jimbo September 12th, 2013 23:24

If I'm not mistaken by your pic you have a KWA/ Umerex MK.23. Correct?
I have the same pistol and the slide is mettle with plastic barrle. the white writing is not ingraved it's painted on over the black painted slide. Your best bet is to scrape the letters off one at a time with the tip of a pen knife or a razor blade and uses a dremel with buffing or polishing wheel on low to clean it up but you will probubly have to do the hole slide to get it uniform. What ever you deside to do please post pics of the slide after you "scrape" the letters off but befor you clean up the area.

daishi September 12th, 2013 23:38

I was able to scrape the letters off but the paint is remarkable thin on this slide. I sanded the area down in a rectangular shape and im going to touch it up with some matte black paint.

GBBR September 12th, 2013 23:53

pictures please !!!^^^^^^^

GWoolfrey September 25th, 2013 18:46

If its laser etched.. I agree with using the marker or a flat black testers paint to paint inside and immediately wipe it clean outside the etching. Painting it over is the best way to go if you're going for the new look.

Orange hand cleaner soap (the stuff mechanics use to get grease off their hands.
Its very very useful for removing many things.. Hell... I even use it to wipe rust off my bumper.

If that is not strong enough, you can try gasoline.. but that might strip the paint off all together and damage any rubber it touches. Gasoline is a like a very strong paint stripper. You could try nail polish remover.. but that might be too weak.

or a very very fine 800-1000 wet sandpaper and some time and patience. But really... is this something you plan on selling on the future or playing the shit out of. If so, use some sandpaper and give it some character. I completely sandpapered my P226 and it came out really nice. (I also used some extra fine steel wool). But Be careful... you could lose your trades very easily if you rub too hard. If you know somebody with a sand blaster.. that would be great too.

GWoolfrey September 25th, 2013 18:49

Perhaps a thumbtack

GWoolfrey September 25th, 2013 18:53

Just try to stay away from paint remover.. that stuff is thick. If any residue is left behind, it could blister the paint.

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