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Booby Traps?
Hello all hows everyone doing? I was wondering i am new to ASC and i am currently doing a bunch of reasearch on airsoft before i get on board hardcore and had a question about some game tatics here. In the milsim games you guys hold do you permit the use of booby traps such as Taking a APS sound grenade and tieing it to a tree and running fishing line accross a trail to another tree? Or even using a Tornado grenade in similar fasion?
Probably not given the fact that most fields are shared with paintballers, I doubt the owners will appreciate the increased risk of someone hurting themselves..................you're thinking "how could fishing line hurt someone?"..................you obviously don't fish much.
Fyi, "boobie traps" designed to cause bodily harm are illegal in Canada. |
on a serious note, its all up to the field owner/game host. I've seen those magnetic door alarms tied to stakes and set up as trip mines. |
To the OP. Yes, this sort of thing happens. It is uncommon as there tends to be a lot of friendly fire from AI Grenades set to tripwire. But it does happen. Occasionally you see someone who has made a claymore (or has bought one) that throws BBs 20 feet. Again, all uncommon, I've seen booby traps ... twice in 5 years of playing. |
kokanee had some awesome rigs set up for spartan shield last year, from pressure plate mines to trip wire charges/mortars and other IED like implements.
We allow them on our field but you have to be careful not to hurt anyone. They must be designed in such a way that the wire will give instead of tripping someone.
Most of the time the traps are discovered and used against you anyway:) So they are not very common. Another big problem is killing your own team members:) |
To clarify, I'm talking specifically about setting tripwires. Remote claymores and pressure activated mines would not only be fine but would be funny. I have played indoor games with claymores and there were no complaints. Most people announce the use of such devices so the sore losers don't have a hissy fit.
Sentries are more reliable lol
On fields that allow rigs that "kill", distract, disorient, or disable someone; you cannot:
- trip - blind - deafen - cut - scrape - poison - kill - slice - stun - paralyze - induce seizures - mentally scar - instill PTSD - impale - cause allergic reaction - drug - rape - shred - magnetize - run over - stab - explode - light on fire - freeze - melt - toxify - decapitate - vaporize - cleave - neutere - liquify - implode - drown - disembowel - electrocute - or cause the consumption of your target by wild animals Just kidding, but seriously; a "booby trap", would have to be 100% safe. Think about every aspect. Make sure your tolerances are low, so no one trips and any wire breaks first. Remember; someone could be running when they trigger your trap. All sound devices should be at a safe decibel level, and all light/flash devices be below the safe lumin, or candlelight rating. All projectiles should be harmless. This includes what is being launched and how hard it's being flung at the enemy. Dried peas and flower are cheap, safe, and common objects used in mines or claymores. You can use cheap BBs as well, if your field allows non bio BBs. A trap should be clever, humorous, and above all "safe". If there is absolutely no way someone can sustain injury or a short term/long term health effect; it shouldn't be an issue. Just some advice about using anything with a charge in it. Be wary of it's capability to start a fire. Our old homemade grenades were made very safe. We modified the charge, so it could go off in your hand without incident. What we did not account for was it's ability to start a fire. We were lucky it didn't do major damage, but it could have been a lot worse. |
You forgot impale :D
I've seen pressure release IED's used and they just incorporate a dollar store door alarm and anyone within a certain radius are instant killed, wounded, etc. They're simple to make, and there's ways to make all different kinds of initiation sets like pull, pressure, pressure release, etc.
EDIT: Oh and Chad, the early warning devices are used when there aren't enough people to warrant observation points so obviously you'd want people manning positions if possible but there's very few games where you have a large enough defensive oriented team to seup something like that, whereas early warning devices are easy to string up across paths, doorways, corridors, etc. |
IMO...When it comes to an automated booby trap you have to take extra measures to ensure that it is safe....because you've removed the human discretion from it. And they have to be really stupid person safe.
Take for example your sound grenade...if a guy is crawling along trying to sneak up on you guys, if you're tossing the grenade yourself you may not throw it to land right beside his face...and if you happened to because you're a prick then at least he'd have a chance to react to it to protect himself. If it's automated...that's not possible. If it's dark/shaded/partially hidden (like a good booby trap would be) it raises the risk. Tripping hazards are another. No matter how light you've got the trigger/release/pin set, or how klutzy someone would have to be to trip on it, you've got to assume that someone is going to trip and fall. In all directions. Why? Because it's not a mother nature has put it there bump in the ground...you've put it there. And...you've got to go back and disable/remove every trap you've put out there when you're done. Easy enough to do...just tag each with a GPS and collect/clean them up. |
Impale was listed twice, actually.
Flour would be awful, I would imagine. It it wouldn't be fun to get it in your gear and stuff. |
Pink glitter would be worse...you wife would think that you went to the rippers....HAHAHA
-10000 points for not recognizing sarcasm
Thanks guys. I removed one impale and added a few more worthy substitutes.
I've got a home brew mine/ied sitting on the back burner that I have tinkered with now and again. Never gamed yet but it once refined could be fun. Can be setup for remote (rf) controlled, trip wire, optical trip wire or any other way that could actuate electrical switch. Propane powered and holds about 200 bb's. Not sure of how hard it hits but it sure sprays the bb's a good distance (~50') very narrow distribution (20* or so) just need to refine the package smaller. Someday I'll do that. And probably redesign gas system so it holds less propane (tank probably now 200ml)
I wouldn't admit to having made propane powered IEDs lol!!!!!
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/images/..._confused2.gif |
There's nothing wrong with propane powered IED simulators. And what is optical trip wire? Do you mean like photosensitive, or like passive/active infrared?
Okay, so like infrared then, that's a neat idea I'd love to see it in use. I've thought about toying with those dinky door alarms to try and hook up a solar panel from like a calculator to it, and then putting the whole thing in a dark box in the middle of the day so when it's opened the alarm goes off.
i want to see a video of it in action |
Nice, that'd be sick as hell.
That's an interesting idea. I suppose you could steal them off of those yard LED lights.
my buddies and I have made some "trip wire" alarms out of a smoke detector. All we did was put in a battery, stick a piece of metal of the test button and secure it in place and then use something to wedge under the piece of metal that you can connect to a fishing line so that when you pull the wedge out, the metal presses the test button.
Works well and is relatively cheap. Another option is something like this With that setup you could also have it setup like a switch so that when the trap springs, 2 wires could connect thus joining the circuit. |
The IED's I have used previously are all powered by airbomb charges and use dried peas as payload. The beauty part is using a model rocket ignitor to bridge the electric to chemical gap and allow command or victim activation.
500 dried peas screaming at you definitely makes an impact, and the tell tale sound of the charge igniting give a 1/2 second "oh shit" moment for added bonus fun ;) |
I have and will use again thunder b sound flashes set up with a string to the pin. Takes some playing around getting that pin "almost" all the way out all the while still holding the hammer down. But it works.
As for the friendly fire, communication is key, if you set one up tell your team if you can. If you all work well together they may even try to use it themselves by drawing opfor into it. As for how handy they are, you have to make the effort to you use them or you wont at all. I've found there haven't been a lot of situations in my play where if I wasnt trying to use a booby trap, I wouldnt have thought of using one. For what you should get if you do buy anything. I prefer the thunder b's. I have used and have had the boughten claymores used on me and I was was underwelmed by them. For shear versatility I'd go with the thrown or boobytrap ordinance; the thunder b. The thunder b landmines are apparantly good as well but I have no experience with them. All of this is of my own humble opinion. Cheers. |
I was trying to build a airsoft "claymore" from 2 rat traps, but failed.
Mostly because the rat traps from dollar store have poor quality, the rings and pins pops out once in a while when the traps are "loaded"... |
Anyone have experience with being hit with Tornados? I just bought one last week and they seem hella fun :)
Unless they go off right up close to your face (and even then they're pretty safe....Madmax spent A LOT of time figuring out what was safe enough in the design)....they're really not painfull/hurtfull in any way.
When they first came out and I was doing a lot of gun doc work, I'd demo them to anyone who'd come over. We'd just put on goggles, cover our teeth and set one off in the workshop. Spooks/shocks you more than anything. You'll get hit by A LOT of BB's...but none of them will feel like a shot from a pistol/rifle that close up. Due to the duration of the "blast" and the number of BB's flying around....you'd have to be completely zoned out not to realize that you've been hit. The timer ones (either with a pull pin or the spoon kit) are so-so. The timing is just fine for lobbing grenades around corners/down halls/etc...but they're inconsistent enough to be odd when using them to breach rooms. In hot weather (high 30C) they'll tend to just go off immediately in your hands...which still won't hurt you. The impact ones are great. They are hard to set off accidentally...but go off immediately when they hit something hard (wall/floor/etc...). Those work great for CQB. Setting them up with the "noise banger" is ok...sometimes you get a good pop...other times you don't. But everyone still reacts as if it's a frag since you can't tell when one's headed your way. Duds or spent ones work really well as distractions too...again, since you don't really know if it's a live one or not. I wouldn't use them for field games...they'd just get lost. |
The first time I played airsoft, it was at TTAC a couple years ago (been looking forward to going back sometime), there was a game where when you're hit, you go down, and have to be taken back to spawn. A few of us were holed up around a doorway, and I got hit and laid down. Shortly thereafter, I see a grenade (must have been a timer) roll through the door, and stop in front of my face. I had no idea how airsoft grenades worked, and had one of those life affirming "oh god, there's a grenade in my face, how bad is this going to hurt?!" moments. That, combined with the "no mercy" rule (I came around a corner, right into someone's barrel. My gun wasn't up and ready, so he quickly shrugged, said sorry, backed up a little, and shot me in the chest), made for a memorable first experience, and killed my fear of pain from getting shot.
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