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Rugger_can April 27th, 2010 19:40

LF Canadian Souce for ACU Style BDU's?
As the title says Im trying to find ACU style Propper BDU's specifically in MARPAT Woodland and Desert patterns that can be sourced in country. I have found numerous American retailers but shipping is very steep and pricing can range from abysmal to absurd. Im not looking to be cheap or anything I just prefer to give my money to Canadian retailers so Im completely willing to drop a bill on them with shipping. Also Im a pretty darn big guy, with a 52 inch chest it can be hard to find the larger sizes and I definitely don't want repro as it would never fit properly.

Any suggestions or recommendations from retailers that you have experience with?

Thanks in advance.

Picture used for reference.

Twitchinov April 27th, 2010 20:01

Like this style?

This is what I have and I love it.

Rugger_can April 27th, 2010 20:41

Indeed that is the style, although that price is staggeringly high considering they want shipping on top of it. But thank you for the resource. Anyone else know of another Canadian retail option. Something around the 50 CDN mark including shipping would be nice, as thats around what it would cost to import from the US. Like I said, I just prefer to keep my money in country.

pugs144 April 27th, 2010 20:46

Sub-$50 with shipping is going to be tough if not impossible.

ex April 27th, 2010 20:50


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1221477)
Indeed that is the style, although that price is staggeringly high considering they want shipping on top of it. But thank you for the resource. Anyone else know of another Canadian retail option. Something around the 50 CDN mark including shipping would be nice, as thats around what it would cost to import from the US. Like I said, I just prefer to keep my money in country.

Don't cheap out on your gear. If you do you will just be repurchase the same thing over and over again. Buy real bdu's none of the fake knock off crap. Nothing wrong with buying from our American cousins.

Rugger_can April 27th, 2010 21:00

Clarification is required sorry.

Fifty Dollars including shipping per unit. Ie. fifty for the pants and fifty for the shirt, and I know to only purchase quality brands. I can easily get these prices from the states but again I just like giving my money to Canadians. Sorry for the confusion. If there's no local option I have dozens of retail options in the states.

Thanks for the input

Twitchinov April 27th, 2010 23:15

Well I got mine form the States, same stuff but cheaper, considerably ($70 vs. $40).
But I have yet to find anywhere else in Canada other than Seals Action Gear to sell this.

Pants and Jacket cost $110 shipped.

But they are in the states (Philly) so that could be a problem for you, but this is the cheapest I have found this Tru- Spec stuff.

jakster April 27th, 2010 23:18

If you in the mood for a drive from Ottawa you can always go to Bradleys by Fort Drum. It's 3-4 hours from Ottawa, I know some of the local Ottawa guys go down once a year. They have a crap load of stuff at really good prices.

Rugger_can April 27th, 2010 23:39

Thanks for all the great suggestions. I guess I will be ordering from the US and I know to stick with propper or Tru-Spec as they are superior in quality.


Jackals April 28th, 2010 01:34


Originally Posted by jakster (Post 1221724)
If you in the mood for a drive from Ottawa you can always go to Bradleys by Fort Drum. It's 3-4 hours from Ottawa, I know some of the local Ottawa guys go down once a year. They have a crap load of stuff at really good prices.

+1, I head down there almost on a regular basis. Its only about 2 hours from Ottawa.

horto April 28th, 2010 08:05

Armyissue? He'll ship AFAIK. PM him. I hear he sells pants. (

Kokanee April 28th, 2010 08:37


Originally Posted by jakster (Post 1221724)
If you in the mood for a drive from Ottawa you can always go to Bradleys by Fort Drum. It's 3-4 hours from Ottawa, I know some of the local Ottawa guys go down once a year. They have a crap load of stuff at really good prices.

Bradley's does not carry MARPAT unfortunately, however they are restocked with all sorts of woodland and desert pattern bdu's. Expect that to change once Pine Plains 2 runs on the 15-16th May.

The best way to get what you are looking for is to order from the states, have the package sent to the UPS store in Ogdensburg, and drive across to pick it up yourself.

Jackals April 28th, 2010 09:02


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1221898)
Bradley's does not carry MARPAT unfortunately, however they are restocked with all sorts of woodland and desert pattern bdu's. Expect that to change once Pine Plains 2 runs on the 15-16th May.

The best way to get what you are looking for is to order from the states, have the package sent to the UPS store in Ogdensburg, and drive across to pick it up yourself.

Actually, they can custom order and of the proper or truspec BDUs for you.

Rugger_can April 28th, 2010 11:51

Unfortuantely Im a student once again with no car. I am familiar with Bradley's though just no way of getting there. Would be up for a group trip next time the local boys go.

But in the mean time Ive got a line on some good pricing from the states shipped.

Thanks for the help.

Kokanee April 28th, 2010 13:36


Originally Posted by Jackals (Post 1221904)
Actually, they can custom order and of the proper or truspec BDUs for you.

This is true - as well they will also be able to order in A-TACS once it hits the scenes.

Jackals April 28th, 2010 16:43


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1221987)
Unfortuantely Im a student once again with no car. I am familiar with Bradley's though just no way of getting there. Would be up for a group trip next time the local boys go.

But in the mean time Ive got a line on some good pricing from the states shipped.

Thanks for the help.

I am heading down for Pine Plains so if you want something from there let me know I and I can bring it back for ya.

johnnyb April 28th, 2010 16:56

Try, Barre Army Navy Store in vt.(

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