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Down right noob
GBear here and as the title states, I am down right noob! I have only played a few games of paintball and airsoft (paintball more recently). I played a bit of airsoft back when I was in California when I was much younger. I have always wanted to get back into it but never had the money until recently. I had just met with Zeonprime yesterday to get age verified. We talked for a bit, I told him my price range of roughly $500. He suggested going with ARES. Their AEGs look amazing and most likely going with them. However, what do you guys recommend, in terms of guns and also as a very new player starting from ground zero? I've been reading up on the FAQs and learning as much as possible. I would just like some user recommendations and such. |
I usually write up something really long...just too tired today.
Read THIS...then buy an M4. Out of all the guns commonly out there now, and if I were to buy an AEG instead of a gas rifle or PTW...I'd buy the VFC SOPMOD M4 or a VFC SR16 if I wasn't going to build a rifle from scratch...or a 249, 'cause I really miss my SAW. :) Tys |
too funny Tys. read his link then buy a G36 :) |
I posted first...he's got to buy a M4 :)
Thank god none of the AK guys are litterate....HAHAHAHAHA |
So true brother, so true
...oh crap I have 3 AK's |
Haha, I was actually really interested in the ARES G36 or SR-25. Although the SR-25 is a sniper rifle, I like how there's a full auto function. :P
I think M4s are way too common and personally, I don't really like the way it looks. I mean, it looks amazing, but I think there's better. |
Shoot...lost one. :)
Sounds like you've got it narrowed down then. Consider battery capacity, storing the mags in a vest/rig, replacement mechbox parts. Then pick one. Then save up and buy the other one. :) * I would highly recommend that you get out to a game and try some different rifles out if you haven't already. You might find that one setup or another doesn't really fit you well. |
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Zeonprime told me there will be one on the 18th.
But if you want to get the SR-25 you're going to have to get certified with the ASC system to be able to play with them on their fields. Read into the Sniper Clinic thats happening in 2 weeks. |
You don't need to be part of the sniper clinic to shoot a "sniper" rifle, unless you want to take advantage of shooting at a higher fps limit than regular AEG limits. If the SR-25 shoots <400fps, you're good to go. If you want to shoot higher than that, you need to make it fire semi only (as in, mechanically or electronically lock it out of full auto), and then take part in the sniper course or get the ok from the local game host before bringing it out to the field. |
Another G36 user. But yes go to a game first, ask around to hold and look. Ask about experieinces with them how is it in bad weather, how is it over a year of use, how do you buy a G36? The guys are great at games escpeially Zeon's cast of thousands. , they will happily spread "the knowledge". The cats in KW rock as far as making you feel welcome. |
Get ak is gud 4 u
lol honestly get out to a game and walk around the staging area checking out all the guns, then ask people if you may hold their guns and maybe shoot a few rounds, then you will truly know which one suits you best. |
Remember one golden rule - Impulse Buy usually turned out to be costly and ruin your airsoft experience
First try out various models by asking people at an event. Narrow down which one you like Look for specs, cost, upgrade possibility, spare parts availability, mag availability etc. Check the doctor's corner to check if thread on your chosen gun pop up often (usually a good indication of the general quality of the build) Read reviews if available Then, you can buy without worrying about making a bad decision. Best of luck in choosing your aeg. |
Good advice...
If your not sure buy a commun all around model your can unload quickly WHEN you change your mind... yet again... like the rest of us! Cheers, Pete PS And remember only people who pay 2000$ for they AEG tell you they will keep them until they kick the bucket... that because the rest of us sell at a small loss and switch to something else...:rolleyes: |
ahah so true i owned ak47 g36 m4 and so on but still with time i stikied to m4 variant because when you need a part its just like a honda civic there everywhere!
Defenatly miss the handling of my good old tm ak trough. If you dont mind hi cap classic army SA58 is a lovely gun and you can get that 1000 round mag lol ........ FreshMaker |
I do agree with Sportco that most people swap aegs at some point (I did buy a second aeg - my MP40 - after 4 months of airsoft - turns out that my DDR NVA impression was almost impossible to assemble and flecktarn + AK is kind a farb - I am kind of an hypocrite :) albeit I still use my AK for winter games and as a backup weapon); however, starting out with an aeg you like will make or break your airsoft experience (I have a friend who bought a TF16 and thought I was dumb to buy my G&G AK for twice as much. He ended up with a broken aeg - stripped gears - after 3 games; my AK is still going strong after 5 games and many skirmishes). Making the wrong choice can be fixed by simply selling your aeg in the classified and buying a new one. Still, making the right decision in the first place is ultimately better for your wallet :) and you can invest the difference on something useful like a good radio or extra mags etc.
What types of brands should I be looking for?
Agreed Bograin...
Has for pricing... I'm sure that you will agree that between 400 and 550 is a nice round number for a first AEG... (( use the leftovers for a GBBP plus extra mags :D)) After all for many of us happiness is in numbers not ultimate quality... exception made of sniper rifles of course... Cheers mate, Pete |
Danger zone
Here even asking if bullpups are better then conventional will drag on for weeks... DON'T DO IT !!! or you will go insane!!! BoGain gave you the most wizdow you will get on ASC Originally Posted by BoGrain Remember one golden rule - Impulse Buy usually turned out to be costly and ruin your airsoft experience First try out various models by asking people at an event. Narrow down which one you like Look for specs, cost, upgrade possibility, spare parts availability, mag availability etc. Check the doctor's corner to check if thread on your chosen gun pop up often (usually a good indication of the general quality of the build) Read reviews if available Then, you can buy without worrying about making a bad decision. Best of luck in choosing your aeg. Now be brave and do your homework... Cheers Mate, Pete To give you an idea of what will happen if you ask.... I think ICS for the price... because of maintenance concerns, hopup quality and pricing is a good buy!!!... here it goes... On the down side... slit gearbox is specific... |
Go with te one with the leas headaches. These include parts, mech box, mags, upgrades and looks.
All this adds up to.... AK 47/74 When you want the job done right use ana AK. Seriously tho. TM, ICS, Western ARMS and sometimes just sometimes JG. |
What about ARES? I've heard some good things about them.
Ares have good mechanic the m4 can use real steel parts id sugess them way before ics and g&g personally
-Real Sword -Systama -Ares -G&P and VFC(tie) -CA -TM and ICS(tie) -G&G -JG -Cyma -Aftermath -Anything from walmart There are a couple others but this is a good basic list some people will rearrange things a bit but you get the idea, for your price range brands to look for are highlighted in red. As far as i'm concered when it comes to GBB again best to worse, -Western Arms(Beats everyone by a mile, King of GBBs) -KSC/KWA -TM -WE -Shitty clone brands Spend all your money on your AEG though this is just for reference, pistols arn't necessary at all, i just like them:D. |
Start by choosing the model then look for the brand.
well in general, you are better to stick with well known brands such as G&G. ICS, VFC, CA, TM, JG, Ares, SRC(gen III only) etc... Newer CYMA and dboys can be an alternative since they did step up in terms of quality in the recent years. AGM if you want WW2 era weapons only |
VFC make a BAR (and some other neat stuff)...Viva makes a Sten
AEG's are basically a fancy weapon resembling shell that holds a mechbox, motor and battery. Mechboxes, motors and batteries are replaceable, repairable and upgradable. So can inner barrels, hopups, hopup rubbers, etc... Front ends, grips, stocks, etc... can be swapped out as well to repair/alter the external look of your rifle. Receivers (the "body" of the rifle)...are much harder to get/swap (in general). The fit and finish of the external parts on "good" guns...cannot be duplicated/modded/tuned on "cheaper" guns....although the "cheaper" ones will sort of look like the better ones, up close and in handling they are not. Some are pretty good though. So...buy the best "shell" you can. The price points will be typically higher...and you'll typically get a decent mechbox and other internals as well at that price range. VFC, Real Sword, some TM's, some CA's, metal G&G's, King Arms If you want a PTW you don't get a choice...it's Systema or bust. (There's Celcius, but you'd be hard pressed to find recommendations for that one) GBBR's I like the WE WETTI/AWSS as a CQB gun so far...a G&P magna system build rocks, just haven't put in enough time with them myself yet. |
Ah okay, thanks for the information guys. Looks like I'll be doing lots of reading up and won't be getting a gun until after the 18th. But we'll see.
Ya I'm back on the forum stirring up shite! Still away over the pond tho.
As for what AEG to get... Don't listen to anybody else. The real AK can be picked up out of the mud, wiped off then fired. The airsoft counter part is almost as hardy. Just do yourself the favor. Bow down to the AK or it'll blow you away like so many M4 variants that are left in the dust. HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHHAH AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAhQAHA HhAhAHhAhboobies |
LOL Manaconda! Also, where do Dboys stand in all of this?
People who drop $2000 for a BNIB gun are usually buying Inokasuts(spelling) and you RARELY ever see those come up for sale in for classifieds. Quote:
dont forget mag management when selecting a gun. you say g36? well the locking tabs are cool but they snag on EVERYTHING on the way in and outta pouches. vs. armalite 5.56 sized mags which you have a zillion management options. less ways to pimp out a g36 than an armalite. armalite easier to field strip in case of a jam or barrel swap/hop up maintenance. clones and cheapies are evil and a waste of money. spending the money on the good stuff will stave off future headaches. and your local gunsmith will appreciate it too |
AEG are almost all the same, they differs in bodystyle and finish teh more established company like King Arms, Classic Army and G&P have better finished bodies without the fitment/finish issue, teh internal gearbox is a different story, i have personally built a $1500 gearboxes in my days and it still break so now i stick to only version 3 with minimal mods. it's a proven workhorse that will not fail you, especially if you go with quality company. if you cheapen out and get clones you may get lucky have no issue or you may end up spending more than what the clone AEG cost you to make it work like the more established manufacturer. |
Lol. I just recommended to him some things in the ver3 line just for that very reason. :) Quote:
Well, I've been looking at the ARES SCAR-H. It looks like it uses a V2 Mauri gearbox but enhanced by ARES. Yay or nay?
I was thinking it was some sort of type and he was making an odd reference to womens support garments. |
casttv.com I like their 7 day guide.
Hay dont feel bad Im realy new to this sport im still learning the names of the guns and i have yet to ever used one.... so its all good
Personally I like the ICS AKS74u like the one in my sig I think its really cute looking... mew |
Simplify things Mate...
Originally Posted by Zeonprime
I must ask, what the hell is a Braw? Quote:
Good culture Mate(that's Australian for Bro...:D) Idea... Go visit store... handle to AEG's... buy the one that gives you a hard on... defend your choice on ACS with your life... Later Braw... Pete |
Ok Ok Ok I've made my mind up... You want an AK. The one in adayinspring' avatar made by CYMA full metal and wood is actualy a good model.... I konw you guys are going to say CYMA! WTF. But hear me out. It's metal... and wood... and works very very well. I've needed to replace hop up rubber........... That's it!
I've been working on a couple of team mates M4'. they always seem to need work. Just my two cents and no AEG is flawless. but as far as I've seen a V3 box is very sturdy. So get yer thumb out and pick an AK you like. Cheers BRAW. |
I would love to pick up a tactical black AK, however, I don't think I'll get it as my first gun. To be honest, right now, I'm leaning towards a VFC SCAR-L Black. But I'll have to hold it and test it out before actually buying it. I think I'll do the same to a couple other guns before buying this one also.
the ares TAR 21
VFC SCAR-L = good decision, I've had the pleasure of shooting one before, they are nice AEG's.
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