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BioRage July 29th, 2016 13:30

^^ Yeah, always signature, no matter what.

Even if the other guy won't pay for it, just fork out the $1.50 :P

pewbiubiu July 29th, 2016 14:08


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1985887)
^^ Yeah, always signature, no matter what.

Even if the other guy won't pay for it, just fork out the $1.50 :P

I started request signature since last month but I've yet to be asked to sign one. I was curious and checked the tracking of one signature required package the signature was a circle with a cross lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

AnthonyG July 29th, 2016 14:38


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1985874)
So.... looks like Canada Post either lost my package, delivered it to the wrong fucking place somehow or someone stole my mail (highly doubt it).

Delivery was "completed" on the 26th, its now the 29th and my SSO Spectre suit is still somewhere OTHER than my house, sender even got delivery confirmation!

The sender opened an investigation ticket... which apparently takes CP 5 business days to go through and I'm on vacation next week. What the fuck Canada Post.

Better to talk to them sooner than later. Ask the seller to launch an inquiry into the location of the package. Go to wherever your nearest distribution centre is if you can and tell them the package said delivered but it wasn't. They should at least be able to talk to the driver for you. Don't bother calling CP customer service, they can't do anything with international sellers, and will basically tell you to talk to your seller.

My one experience with CP "loosing" a package ended up with me getting a refund on eBay because I had to do all the legwork myself and the seller would not cooperate... Foreign eBay seller. Canada Post reviewed the GPS tracking, basically told me it was indeed delivered, buy since the post man effectively left it on my front step out in the open, it was most likely stolen. Hard to believe in my neighbourhood... Seller swore up and down the package required a signature. Which ultimately allowed me to win my eBay dispute since their was no signature on record when it was delivered.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

AnthonyG July 29th, 2016 14:42


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1985887)
^^ Yeah, always signature, no matter what.

Even if the other guy won't pay for it, just fork out the $1.50 :P

I always put in the comments when ordering "no safe drop". Sometimes the seller understands and puts a signature requirement. Sometimes they just write it on the package. I've also told my post office not to leave any packages on my porch. On the rare occasion I'll get one on my doorstep. At least it gives me something to argue about if my package goes missing.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Grudge July 29th, 2016 15:46

I know someone that bought an expensive Mezzie case, from a retailer, and it was supposed to have a signature because he lived at a busy intersection and there was no place they would be able to put it without it being seen. That was told to the seller and was in the comments on the packing slip.

They dropped it off in the middle of the day, no signature nothing. So he took it inside and called the seller to tell them that UPS said they delivered it but it was no were to be seen. They settled with UPSs insurance, since it had it and sent him another one.

Same thing happened they dropped it without a signature.

Signatures mean nothing to most shippers, especially CP.

chaz July 29th, 2016 21:06


Originally Posted by Grudge (Post 1985897)
Signatures mean nothing to most shippers, especially CP.

Yes, but it makes for an easier dispute if they shipped it with "signature required" and they can't show proof that one was provided.

Huge August 4th, 2016 11:15

Why the hell would the tracking of my package show ''Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review'' if it came from within Canada??

redzaku August 4th, 2016 13:14


Originally Posted by Huge (Post 1986258)
Why the hell would the tracking of my package show ''Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review'' if it came from within Canada??

The truck might have crossed the border at one point

BobbyDangerous August 4th, 2016 18:05

Finally arrived. And I was refunded lol. On top I ordered a new one from a different store

Lakonian August 11th, 2016 17:19

Three packages lost. 3. In one week.

Contacted Blitz Airsoft,, and Toronto Airsoft to let them know what's up.

Canada Post has been consistently shitty for delivering things to me, but surprisingly awesome for sending stuff. Must be the damn drivers.

Desmodus August 11th, 2016 17:52

Quick update, still no package and CP only JUST called me yesterday to confirm my package was infact, missing. Only now has the "escalated" investigation started. For fuck sakes.

RainyEyes August 11th, 2016 20:23


Originally Posted by Lakonian (Post 1986725)
Three packages lost. 3. In one week.

Contacted Blitz Airsoft,, and Toronto Airsoft to let them know what's up.

Canada Post has been consistently shitty for delivering things to me, but surprisingly awesome for sending stuff. Must be the damn drivers.

They must be sick and tired of your finding your location in "WHEREVER" haha...

I just ordered about 600 bucks worth combined of computer parts from 3 different stores... Hoping I don't get shafted...

Cloven August 12th, 2016 09:25

I ordered something from herooutdoors three weeks ago, he shipped it two weeks ago by Post. It arrived in Mississauga the day after he sent it and....nothing. I'm only a 2 hour drive away from Toronto. Canada Post has vanished it somewhere in the ether. Herooutdoors has been good about it, started a trace, if nothing turns up they'll reship, but thanks Canada Post, ya bums!

Sputmilk August 12th, 2016 09:42

Wow CP losing a bunch of shit lately it sounds like.

Makes me nervous for my incoming stuff

Desmodus August 12th, 2016 10:07


Originally Posted by Cloven (Post 1986775)
I ordered something from herooutdoors three weeks ago, he shipped it two weeks ago by Post. It arrived in Mississauga the day after he sent it and....nothing. I'm only a 2 hour drive away from Toronto. Canada Post has vanished it somewhere in the ether. Herooutdoors has been good about it, started a trace, if nothing turns up they'll reship, but thanks Canada Post, ya bums!

Fingers crossed for you man, I hope they find your stuff.

On another note, anyone selling an SSO Spectre or Sumrak suit in 48-4? Looks like I'll need to buy another one hahaha.

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