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ARC-74 February 28th, 2012 19:00

Attempt #2 to have my package shipped :banghead:

This time it made it out for delivery, but the parcel carrier couldn't figure out the address? and it was returned to sender.......again!!!
Both myself and the sender have spoken with CP and they are just as baffled as to the reason and don't see a problem with the address. (address wasn't in french ??)
At least shipping charges will be refunded , but I just want to get my fucking package.

Words cannot entirely describe how I feel.........I need to go empty a few Hi-capa mags.

PaddMadd March 1st, 2012 00:02

Just found out from one of the guys at airsoftdepot that yet another item I've ordered has been fucked up thanks to a change of address I put in for my previous address. I've already called CP three times, and nothing is being done. I even had to send a photo of a bill that was mis-directed THREE times(the person at the address had to write "wrong address" three times before I got it). This is fucking bullshit. I think they're pissed off because we(people in general) didn't support their strike, and are making us pay for it.

Forever_kaos March 9th, 2012 11:44

Was it small enough to be stuffed in your mailbox?

I sometimes get that.

Styrak March 9th, 2012 15:22


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1619054)
Guess it's my lucky day! Got more packages than I thought I would receive today!

Poor ass tracking system though...

I'll post this again because some people can't seem to read very well:


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1584283)
Guys, you don't seem to realize that when something says "Out for Delivery" it may not even come until the next day, and when it says "Successfully Delivered" it may not come until later or the end of the day, or even the next day!

People need to chill the fuck out and relax. Wait a day or 3.

theshaneler March 9th, 2012 15:28

attempted delivery at 12:37pm today...
know what i was doing from 12:20-12:45? shoveling the fucking driveway and sidewalk to my front door....

this is the third package in a row that they do this shit to me. i want to complain, but i know it will just go into a big pile at CP and never lead to anything. such bullshit

dutch13 March 12th, 2012 18:23

You think you got it bad...had two parcels coming from Hamilton...I check my tracking number only to find out that there was a processing error. I call cp to find out what the hell is going on and they tell me that my postal code is wrong...yet I've been using the same one for the past month and a half of living in my new house. I've had several parcels delivered here with no problem whatsoever. So after all the bs they ship it to my actual postal code (which is completely different from what my taxes and mortgage docs say). I got the one parcel today...and the other one, which is the one I mainly wanted, is in limbo. Or as the cs rep says " out for delivery ". Well I don't think they deliver past 6pm here...effen cp...

PaddMadd March 15th, 2012 03:21

Turns out that the connectors Huang has sent me twice have been not only forwarded to me(paid for the forwarding), but they've been accepted by someone I don't know. Huang paid for expedited parcel for the second time, and someone actually signed for MY fuckin' parcel! I'm going to have a friend back in Creston go pay the tenants at my old place a visit, and give CP a call tomorrow morning. Not only are they not forwarding, they're allowing people to sign for parcels without checking the name. FUCKING IDIOTS.

e-luder March 15th, 2012 04:00

it's like a give and take with them.
im going through the same thing. things come with no probs and some get an error of some sort. the thing is, i dont think they give out any sort of notification if there is a change in postal code listing. my landlord has a different postal code for my place than the one CP has listed in the database. according to my landlord its the one a CP rep gave them yet its the wrong one.

well they seem to be getting postal codes "wrong" alot these days. I've been told they change them the proper corresponding address if there is a discrepency but it's been several days for me. how long does it take the litteraly type in 6 characters?


Originally Posted by dutch13 (Post 1620822)
You think you got it bad...had two parcels coming from Hamilton...I check my tracking number only to find out that there was a processing error. I call cp to find out what the hell is going on and they tell me that my postal code is wrong...yet I've been using the same one for the past month and a half of living in my new house. I've had several parcels delivered here with no problem whatsoever. So after all the bs they ship it to my actual postal code (which is completely different from what my taxes and mortgage docs say). I got the one parcel today...and the other one, which is the one I mainly wanted, is in limbo. Or as the cs rep says " out for delivery ". Well I don't think they deliver past 6pm here...effen cp...

Styrak March 15th, 2012 04:59


Originally Posted by PaddMadd (Post 1622404)
Turns out that the connectors Huang has sent me twice have been not only forwarded to me(paid for the forwarding), but they've been accepted by someone I don't know. Huang paid for expedited parcel for the second time, and someone actually signed for MY fuckin' parcel! I'm going to have a friend back in Creston go pay the tenants at my old place a visit, and give CP a call tomorrow morning. Not only are they not forwarding, they're allowing people to sign for parcels without checking the name. FUCKING IDIOTS.

They don't care who actually signs for it, as long as they're over 18. That's why I never pay for "Signature Required", because it's useless.

B@K3R March 15th, 2012 06:33


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1622411)
They don't care who actually signs for it, as long as they're over 18. That's why I never pay for "Signature Required", because it's useless.

I had a GBB come in and you had to sign for it. my 7 ear old sister picked up the mail, signed for it and left

thats bull shit, might as well be handing out lottery tickets at the same time

Styrak March 15th, 2012 06:37

Don't forget cigarettes, alcohol, and porn.

PaddMadd March 15th, 2012 19:52


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1622411)
They don't care who actually signs for it, as long as they're over 18. That's why I never pay for "Signature Required", because it's useless.

They're supposed to verify it according to a CP employee I knew a few years ago. The fact that the CP employee in Creston has known me since before I signed up on here is even worse. They also knew that I was making large orders out of Hong Kong and Toronto fairly regularly, and would often ask me what they were. The parcel cards they issue have my last name on them, which means they should be following protocol and requesting ID before handing out the parcel. Huang has now sent two sets of connectors, plus paid for expedited parcel for the second one out of his own pocket, and these fuck-knuckles are letting the wrong people walk away with my shit. What would happen if this was an airsoft rifle, or something to do with my income tax? Some random person gets to take home a $500 AEG or my personal information because the postal employee is too lazy to do her job? This is fucking bullshit.

MrCarrington March 15th, 2012 20:28


Originally Posted by B@K3R (Post 1622416)
I had a GBB come in and you had to sign for it. my 7 ear old sister picked up the mail, signed for it and left

thats bull shit, might as well be handing out lottery tickets at the same time

I live in an apartment building and I got a pair of glasses delivered (could have been anything though) I get home, check the tracking number and it said the package was delivered. No one was home in my apartment, they just let a random person in my building (luckily it was the super) sign for it. But the building had 11 floor with 16 2-4 bedroom apartments per floor, that a lot of people who could just sign and walk away with my package. I gave them a HUGE load of shit when that happened

Just today, learned from a seller here the package he sent me was going to be returned to him. It never went out on delivery, I was never notified. Apparently, my postal code (which I got from the CP website) is WRONG. Funny, had several other packages from amazon, ebay, chapters, all delivered properly with that postal code. All my bills get delivered properly, all delivered by CP and yet this one is a wrong postal code despite being the same?

e-luder March 15th, 2012 22:30


Originally Posted by MrCarrington (Post 1622819)
I live in an apartment building and I got a pair of glasses delivered (could have been anything though) I get home, check the tracking number and it said the package was delivered. No one was home in my apartment, they just let a random person in my building (luckily it was the super) sign for it. But the building had 11 floor with 16 2-4 bedroom apartments per floor, that a lot of people who could just sign and walk away with my package. I gave them a HUGE load of shit when that happened

Just today, learned from a seller here the package he sent me was going to be returned to him. It never went out on delivery, I was never notified. Apparently, my postal code (which I got from the CP website) is WRONG. Funny, had several other packages from amazon, ebay, chapters, all delivered properly with that postal code. All my bills get delivered properly, all delivered by CP and yet this one is a wrong postal code despite being the same?

welcome to the club. like i said, most of time it's like they update or change their database without informing the tenants or property owners. i love and hate them at the same time.

kullwarrior March 20th, 2012 17:31

In the four language I know...(in the order I learn them)
非常感謝, Thank you very much, どうもありがとうございました, Danke schön

it was sent yesterday via xpresspost ($32.03) 1303 Toronto time, and it arrive today 1130

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