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Twin#1[Op-for] January 5th, 2010 00:41

Yea, definitely get some Midcaps :)

Conflicts6 January 5th, 2010 07:20


Originally Posted by fuyutime2 (Post 1135430)
Clearsoft P.O.S IMO. I wouldn't even buy that if it was for $10. clearsoft is a waste IMO unless it is G&G, then maybe, just maybe....

Sigh... If you would to see my guns, you would change your mind. The only stock parts on my kraken (soon to be) are: Outer barrel, sights, upper reciever, stock, handgrip, hup up, triger guard assembly and gearbox shell.

fuyutime2 January 5th, 2010 07:24

id rather save up for a g&g. seriously. a kraken costs about $160. and a G&G costs about $380. shure, its twice as much, but id reather not get a kraken and just go with a G&G. and the things ive hearde about the krakens. i had one for a while, but sold it to my friend. cuz i didn't want it breaking down on me. the thing i heard was somehting about 50% of krakens failing withing the first 2000rounds.

Conflicts6 January 5th, 2010 07:46


Originally Posted by fuyutime2 (Post 1135576)
id rather save up for a g&g. seriously. a kraken costs about $160. and a G&G costs about $380. shure, its twice as much, but id reather not get a kraken and just go with a G&G. and the things ive hearde about the krakens. i had one for a while, but sold it to my friend. cuz i didn't want it breaking down on me. the thing i heard was somehting about 50% of krakens failing withing the first 2000rounds.

They have improved on all of their products in their new versions. The older ones came with nylon bushings, and they have now put metal ones stock in them. Many people in my town have aftermath products, stock, and they have been working great, except for the crap battery.

durak January 5th, 2010 15:55


Originally Posted by fuyutime2 (Post 1135576)
id rather save up for a g&g. seriously. a kraken costs about $160. and a G&G costs about $380. shure, its twice as much, but id reather not get a kraken and just go with a G&G. and the things ive hearde about the krakens. i had one for a while, but sold it to my friend. cuz i didn't want it breaking down on me. the thing i heard was somehting about 50% of krakens failing withing the first 2000rounds.

He's using his as a project gun, why pay damn near 400$ when the only thing your keeping stock is the externals.

400$ base gun + 400$ worth of upgrades= perfectly good left over internals and a good gun.

160$ base gun + 400$ worth of upgrades= shitty leftover internals, a good gun, and 240$ still in your pocket.

now you could probly sell those internals left over from the 400$ gun but not for 260$

ujiro January 5th, 2010 16:11


Originally Posted by durak (Post 1135729)
He's using his as a project gun, why pay damn near 400$ when the only thing your keeping stock is the externals.

400$ base gun + 400$ worth of upgrades= perfectly good left over internals and a good gun.

160$ base gun + 400$ worth of upgrades= shitty leftover internals, a good gun, and 240$ still in your pocket.

now you could probly sell those internals left over from the 400$ gun but not for 260$

But then your gun has crappy externals. Whereas if you save up a bit you have better externals on it. And then in the time being (depending how long it takes you to upgrade), you can still use the thing and have it perform well and not have to worry about it breaking down on you (at least not as much as with a kraken..).

Better quality gun to start with means ease of mind, easier upgrading (since upgrades mesh better with better quality guns, since their tolerances are better).

durak January 5th, 2010 18:09


Originally Posted by ujiro (Post 1135734)
But then your gun has crappy externals. Whereas if you save up a bit you have better externals on it. And then in the time being (depending how long it takes you to upgrade), you can still use the thing and have it perform well and not have to worry about it breaking down on you (at least not as much as with a kraken..).

Better quality gun to start with means ease of mind, easier upgrading (since upgrades mesh better with better quality guns, since their tolerances are better).

Quite true, but if your on a budget, a savings of 200$ or more looks pretty good.

anyways back on topic were starting to derail the thread.

kalnaren January 5th, 2010 18:22

If you want good externals, count G&G out as well. You're looking at Classic Army at least.

medhatboy January 5th, 2010 20:47


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1135807)
You're looking at Classic Army at least.

I don't know about that, my Classic army M15 mechbox packed it in after only 5000 rounds, where as my JG M4 has gone 20,000 rounds and is only now having an electrical firing problem.

durak January 5th, 2010 20:49


Originally Posted by Swatt Five-Six (Post 1135898)
I don't know about that, my Classic army M15 mechbox packed it in after only 5000 rounds, where as my JG M4 has gone 20,000 rounds and is only now having an electrical firing problem.

hes talking externals

Conflicts6 January 5th, 2010 22:01

I just ordered a x47 rail kit and a metal body. My externals and internals will be beautiful now.

Twin#1[Op-for] January 5th, 2010 22:03

Krakens are fine...but I agree with kalnaren. The second I got my Full metal CA M4...I don't think I could own a plastic gun again.

fleuryfighter January 5th, 2010 22:20

i've gotten atleast 30k shots from my Kraken with only external upgrades and it still shoots 360 with .2's and 325 with .28's so i think its an alright starter gun but im going for a G&G now Krakens are boring after 3 years.

RaisinBran January 5th, 2010 22:27


Originally Posted by fleuryfighter (Post 1135961)
i've gotten atleast 30k shots from my Kraken with only external upgrades and it still shoots 360 with .2's and 325 with .28's so i think its an alright starter gun but im going for a G&G now Krakens are boring after 3 years.

30k? and only external upgrades? You got lucky...

I helped a friend who bought a Kraken replace every single internal piece (excluding shell but including hopup) So I played with the stock internals for while and just after 3 or 4 mid caps the nozzle cracked, piston head exploded and the piston was really badly stripped.

MoreToasties January 5th, 2010 22:32


Originally Posted by RaisinBran (Post 1135969)
30k? and only external upgrades? You are probably exaggerating...


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