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look at that AK!http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...55769168_n.jpg
I have no experience in shooting a real AK, so I will not comment on it needing updates and such...
But when I think of an AK, I think wood, steel, and iron sights. Anything other than that doesn't appeal to the AK-lover in me. If you like rails and such on your AK, cool. But don't expect me to compliment you on the field ;) |
As much as I hate the look of it, adding rails and modern accessories onto an AK makes a lot of sense. It's a no-nonsense type of gun. It's designed to do it's job without fail. If the accessory helps to make doing that job easier, I think we can consider it part of the practicality that the AK represents. Looking at the ARs on this board makes me forget sometimes that all these fancy accessories actually do something. I think we all forget sometimes that the primary function of a gun is to shoot, and shoot well. Not to keep the same aesthetic look for 60+ years. I don't think I've ever heard anyone bitch about USB ports on CD players before. Bitching about rails on an AK makes about as much sense.
Since some of us are looking for "realism", 99% of the time you would not see "tacticool" AK, so why make one? http://img.weburbanist.com/wp-conten...01/Corners.gif Someone please make this for a WW2 game because "it existed". |
No love for the AK-74M? or any of the Eastern bloc optics, Kobra, PK-A, POS-1 etc. |
And what do you supposed Russian special forces use? |
Seriously? Like seriously, Seriously? Does your expertise on firearm usage stem exclusively from video games or have you also picked up valuable insight from reading Youtube comments? You DO understand Russian-made AKs are built to much stricter tolerances, with better materials and workmanship, than say some Pakistani -made AK that was built using hand tools on a dirt floor in the back of a Peshawar market shop, or cheap mass-produced-for-export Chinese type 56, right? That the Russians aren't running around with the same PoS USD$50 AKs that are floating around all over the Middle East? And they're also using AK74/101/105 in 5.45x39 which easily compares with the Western 5.56x45 (5.45x39 conversion kits are availble for ARs, which essentially consist of a heavier hammer spring, bolt and barrel)? Listing "aim" as a reason why AKs wouldn't be used tactically (and therefor shouldn't be tacticalized) is circular logic: we obviously all agree the stock sights are useless which is precisely why there's a need to mount modern optics, be it Western or Russian (and again, there are some excellent Russian -produced modern optics, not just the Cold War -era leftovers floating around the M-E.) Then there's the fact AKs aren't just Cold War vintage and "terrorist weapons": Western Special Forces and private contractors have been known to use AKs. The Polish Beryl assault rifle is an AK variant and like all NATO countries they have a need to mount certain accessories on their weapons. http://www.fotydostrony.yoyo.pl/Beryl%20TDI%20P.jpg http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/4641/beryl03.jpg Slovenian special forces http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1...blisyph7bh.jpg The only "realism" you have with a wood & metal AK is if you're playing Middle Eastern or poor former Soviet block country. (or if you're going back in time to play Viet Cong or Cold War Chinese/Russian). |
AK-74M in 5.45x39 the standard Issue rifle for the Russian Military. Black Polymer furniture, sidefolding stock. Optic rails to mount anything from Scopes, to optics and Nightvision rifle scopes. A GP-30 underbarrel grenade launcher can be added. It is supperior to the 7.62x39 rifles in accuracy while maintaining the same reliablity. However it is not uncommon to still see the occasional AKM being used for knockdown power. As Drake said there are plenty of excellent optics avalible for the AK series rifles with a optic plate. |
The idea behind a purist is the image of the iconic AK. Not this AK that you just slap rails and magpul and call it a day.
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