The Film had
direct support from both the Rangers and Delta Force, just watch the "making of" featurette in the special features, or nowadays you can just youtube it. (is that even a verb?)
The actors went to fort Bragg and did a crash course in basic SF skills. the Ranger actors, like Orlando Bloom, learned basic soldier speak and trade skills and got PT'd to death, and the Delta actors, like Eric Bana, blew in doors and rode in helicopters...
Point is, the loadouts were almost dead accurate...with a few minor exceptions that are too negligent to really matter. The US army supplied all the gear, including the MH-60's, which were operational at the time. Can you imagine BHD with Hueys...
If you read the book, it basically confirms the accuracy of everything, and really puts the whole film in a good context, like how chaotic and gongshow it was from the start.
And yes, it happened in 1993, and the incident was the main reason that the US pulled out of Somalia and why its such a shitshow today...but hey, who hasn't at some point in their life wanted to grow up to be a pirate.
OK, history lesson over.
Delta, like the rest of USSOCOM, uses multicam when it suits the mission and is mainly used as a replacement to the standard Woodland BDU's (USSOCOM was authorised to wear old BDU's for jungle missions when ACU was still the main uniform, I found the Policy handbook saying so at an American Army PX). As for vests and other gear, they use what they've always used, but the LBT 6094 seems to have become a crowd favourite after the Navy SEALs started using them in place or the MARCIRAS. SF's like them because the vest's release mechanism. the 6094 has pull tabs under the plate compartment, so only the plate is dropped if they need to ditch weight. the MARCIRAS (and most other releasable vests including the US Army's IOTV) uses a release system that ditches the entire rig, which includes most importantly all your second line ammo, which if your already in a situation that requires you to ditch weight, is probably rather necessary...hmmm, who thought that one out...
If you want to know where I found out some of these things, I will gladly provide the sources. I'm not just speculating, and I hate people who speculate about the military like its there job. I have talked to a few operators, mostly Canadian SOF guys but a few American too, and I have security clearance, so I can actually get a decent answer to
most questions (like did you know that JTF2 uses the RAV vest almost exclusively).
BHD...true story