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m102404 March 25th, 2010 18:26

VFC make a BAR (and some other neat stuff)...Viva makes a Sten

AEG's are basically a fancy weapon resembling shell that holds a mechbox, motor and battery.

Mechboxes, motors and batteries are replaceable, repairable and upgradable. So can inner barrels, hopups, hopup rubbers, etc...

Front ends, grips, stocks, etc... can be swapped out as well to repair/alter the external look of your rifle.

Receivers (the "body" of the rifle)...are much harder to get/swap (in general).

The fit and finish of the external parts on "good" guns...cannot be duplicated/modded/tuned on "cheaper" guns....although the "cheaper" ones will sort of look like the better ones, up close and in handling they are not. Some are pretty good though. the best "shell" you can. The price points will be typically higher...and you'll typically get a decent mechbox and other internals as well at that price range.

VFC, Real Sword, some TM's, some CA's, metal G&G's, King Arms

If you want a PTW you don't get a's Systema or bust. (There's Celcius, but you'd be hard pressed to find recommendations for that one)

GBBR's I like the WE WETTI/AWSS as a CQB gun so far...a G&P magna system build rocks, just haven't put in enough time with them myself yet.

MADDOG March 25th, 2010 18:36


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1194816)
I posted first...he's got to buy a M4 :)

Thank god none of the AK guys are litterate....HAHAHAHAHA

Are you on the other team this weekend, thems fighting words!;)

GBear March 25th, 2010 20:44

Ah okay, thanks for the information guys. Looks like I'll be doing lots of reading up and won't be getting a gun until after the 18th. But we'll see.

Gato March 26th, 2010 02:02


Originally Posted by GBear (Post 1195342)
Ah okay, thanks for the information guys. Looks like I'll be doing lots of reading up and won't be getting a gun until after the 18th. But we'll see.

Well as said, Ar15 type rifles are the meat of the community, finding parts for them is easy as hell, granted, they're not the nicest ot LOOK at but pick one up and it feels "right" I'm no fan of the look but I love the way they feel and handle. As said so far, go to a game and ask people about their guns, ask to hold and feel them and if they'll let you, try fire it.

Manaconda March 26th, 2010 05:47

Ya I'm back on the forum stirring up shite! Still away over the pond tho.

As for what AEG to get... Don't listen to anybody else. The real AK can be picked up out of the mud, wiped off then fired. The airsoft counter part is almost as hardy. Just do yourself the favor.

Bow down to the AK or it'll blow you away like so many M4 variants that are left in the dust.


GBear March 26th, 2010 09:08

LOL Manaconda! Also, where do Dboys stand in all of this?

Zeonprime March 26th, 2010 10:00


Originally Posted by Sportco (Post 1195055)
Amen Braw... the classified are FILLED with impulse buys... and leg holsters;)

If your not sure buy a commun all around model your can unload quickly WHEN you change your mind... yet again... like the rest of us!



PS And remember only people who pay 2000$ for they AEG tell you they will keep them until they kick the bucket... that because the rest of us sell at a small loss and switch to something else...:rolleyes:

I must ask, what the hell is a Braw?

People who drop $2000 for a BNIB gun are usually buying Inokasuts(spelling) and you RARELY ever see those come up for sale in for classifieds.


Originally Posted by Shooting Addict (Post 1195178)
I think you mean King Arms not Western Arms, WA only makes GBB/Rs none of which are AK's.

Varies from person to person but as far as i'm concerned in order from best to worst...

-Real Sword
-G&P and VFC(tie)

-TM and ICS(tie)
-Anything from walmart

There are a couple others but this is a good basic list some people will rearrange things a bit but you get the idea, for your price range brands to look for are highlighted in red.

As far as i'm concered when it comes to GBB again best to worse,

-Western Arms(Beats everyone by a mile, King of GBBs)
-Shitty clone brands

Spend all your money on your AEG though this is just for reference, pistols arn't necessary at all, i just like them:D.

For the most part I would agree with your lists (though I would never have included CYMA and Aftermath ever in that...but that is just me, what do I know? :) )

Shooting Addict March 26th, 2010 10:30


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1195740)
For the most part I would agree with your lists (though I would never have included CYMA and Aftermath ever in that...but that is just me, what do I know? :) )

Ya Zeon what do you know:rolleyes: times have changed all the uber cool 1337 guys have cyma and if they can get it the uber cool see through krackenz lol:D

Duckman March 26th, 2010 10:36


Originally Posted by GBear (Post 1195713)
LOL Manaconda! Also, where do Dboys stand in all of this?

usefull to attach mop head and clean toilets.

dont forget mag management when selecting a gun.

you say g36? well the locking tabs are cool but they snag on EVERYTHING on the way in and outta pouches. vs. armalite 5.56 sized mags which you have a zillion management options.

less ways to pimp out a g36 than an armalite.

armalite easier to field strip in case of a jam or barrel swap/hop up maintenance.

clones and cheapies are evil and a waste of money. spending the money on the good stuff will stave off future headaches. and your local gunsmith will appreciate it too

wildcard March 26th, 2010 10:39


Originally Posted by GBear (Post 1195713)
LOL Manaconda! Also, where do Dboys stand in all of this?

Dboys place in all this are in a deep dark corner of shitville between two of the ugliest, dirtiest, STD infested whores. For your 1st AEG stick with King Arms or Classic Army........which model you may ask? well an m4 with version 2 gearbox are like a stuck up high school cheerleader, they don't like extreme cold and they are a never ending money pit, you'll end up buying more parts or other cosmetic stuff to make it pretty. A version 3 gearbox AEG are like your work horse, they will work no matter what the temp is like and beat the shit out of it.

AEG are almost all the same, they differs in bodystyle and finish teh more established company like King Arms, Classic Army and G&P have better finished bodies without the fitment/finish issue, teh internal gearbox is a different story, i have personally built a $1500 gearboxes in my days and it still break so now i stick to only version 3 with minimal mods. it's a proven workhorse that will not fail you, especially if you go with quality company. if you cheapen out and get clones you may get lucky have no issue or you may end up spending more than what the clone AEG cost you to make it work like the more established manufacturer.

wildcard March 26th, 2010 10:47


Originally Posted by Shooting Addict (Post 1195753)
Ya Zeon what do you know:rolleyes: times have changed all the uber cool 1337 guys have cyma and if they can get it the uber cool see through krackenz lol:D

Obviously you never seen the ultra leet noob that spend almost $1000 to get their CYMA, DBoys working flawlessly yet. they do exist out there and yes we laughed at them on the field when they bust out the tool kit to fix shit up before the start of a game or when they ask around if anyone can help them fix things.

Shooting Addict March 26th, 2010 10:52


Originally Posted by GBear (Post 1195713)
LOL Manaconda! Also, where do Dboys stand in all of this?

There garabage I would consider Dboys equal to aftermath. If you want an AK go with th Real Sword type-56 as close to the real AK as you'll get.

Zeonprime March 26th, 2010 12:01


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1195759)
Dboys place in all this are in a deep dark corner of shitville between two of the ugliest, dirtiest, STD infested whores. For your 1st AEG stick with King Arms or Classic Army........which model you may ask? well an m4 with version 2 gearbox are like a stuck up high school cheerleader, they don't like extreme cold and they are a never ending money pit, you'll end up buying more parts or other cosmetic stuff to make it pretty. A version 3 gearbox AEG are like your work horse, they will work no matter what the temp is like and beat the shit out of it.

AEG are almost all the same, they differs in bodystyle and finish teh more established company like King Arms, Classic Army and G&P have better finished bodies without the fitment/finish issue, teh internal gearbox is a different story, i have personally built a $1500 gearboxes in my days and it still break so now i stick to only version 3 with minimal mods. it's a proven workhorse that will not fail you, especially if you go with quality company. if you cheapen out and get clones you may get lucky have no issue or you may end up spending more than what the clone AEG cost you to make it work like the more established manufacturer.

Lol. I just recommended to him some things in the ver3 line just for that very reason. :)


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1195763)
Obviously you never seen the ultra leet noob that spend almost $1000 to get their CYMA, DBoys working flawlessly yet. they do exist out there and yes we laughed at them on the field when they bust out the tool kit to fix shit up before the start of a game or when they ask around if anyone can help them fix things.

omigawd, busted a gut on that one!! :)

GBear March 26th, 2010 13:20

Well, I've been looking at the ARES SCAR-H. It looks like it uses a V2 Mauri gearbox but enhanced by ARES. Yay or nay?

jtf2-phalanx March 26th, 2010 13:25


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1195740)
I must ask, what the hell is a Braw?

I'm assuming he means the Hawaiian equivalent of "brother". Don't you watch Dog the Bounty Hunter? :)

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