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ThunderCactus June 6th, 2014 16:20

larger diameter hop roller that's glued in place
different materials have different effects

Azathoth June 6th, 2014 19:17


Originally Posted by rainzoro (Post 1893812)
So what is a "modified" hopup anyway?

A Tack modified hopup means fixing the roller, and taking a piece of material to replace the existing piece of tubing and fixing it in place. Then grinding /sanding/filing it down like a SCS. This typically involves grinding/filing/sanding the inner barrel as well.

I want to dispel some myths on PTWs. This is intended for CLONE TW owners.

You cannot 'upgrade' your Clone TWs (in most cases) I am sick of telling people buying DTW, A&K etc this. If you want to improve the trigger response on your clone TW buy a genuine TACK motor from England ~500+ dollars.

If you want it to shoot better buy a systema hopup and barrel ~150, and do the mod. but you will probably need to buy a replacement upper and lower receiver so that it FITS in your gun properly ~500+.

Basically you should have bought a genuine systema new or on the used market and sent it to one of us for a checkup.

I lied, their is ONE upgrade for the PTW. Dual sector gear for even stupider fast trigger response and RoF increase

mcguyver June 6th, 2014 20:48

There is a bit more to the modified hopup than that. It is as much to the skill and attention to detail as to whether you get the magic or a slightly improved hopup.

Wli June 8th, 2014 12:36


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1893866)
A Tack modified hopup means fixing the roller, and taking a piece of material to replace the existing piece of tubing and fixing it in place. Then grinding /sanding/filing it down like a SCS. This typically involves grinding/filing/sanding the inner barrel as well.

I want to dispel some myths on PTWs. This is intended for CLONE TW owners.

You cannot 'upgrade' your Clone TWs (in most cases) I am sick of telling people buying DTW, A&K etc this. If you want to improve the trigger response on your clone TW buy a genuine TACK motor from England ~500+ dollars.

If you want it to shoot better buy a systema hopup and barrel ~150, and do the mod. but you will probably need to buy a replacement upper and lower receiver so that it FITS in your gun properly ~500+.

Basically you should have bought a genuine systema new or on the used market and sent it to one of us for a checkup.

I lied, their is ONE upgrade for the PTW. Dual sector gear for even stupider fast trigger response and RoF increase

Only real reason to get a clone TW is to get confidence and more practice in taking apart your actual PTW so you can do some maintenance and what not yourself.

Invasian June 26th, 2014 17:07

Anyone hear from Jay Wildcard lately? I need to get a hold of him...

xav1982 June 30th, 2014 11:19

Troubleshooting question : last weekend in a game , gun stop working and the red led was blinking, at home on sunday the led was not working at all and found Out that the fuse is burnt..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

mcguyver June 30th, 2014 11:30

Check wiring between motor and FET board.

Flash June 30th, 2014 20:36

MY FET board have a 35v fuse if i put an 30 it normal the fuse blow

mcguyver June 30th, 2014 20:54

Possible. You shouldn't be blowing fuses at all unless you have a problem.

But replace 35A fuse with 35A fuse.

Flash June 30th, 2014 21:20

TY, im pretty sure its not the problème but probably a part of. The troubleshooting msg from xav is my gun.
The prob start when i shot. Like if i pull the trigger to fast the gun jammed. Pull the trigger and the gun restart to shot. 10 min after dead nothing.

I opened the gun. The light was flashed when i pull the trigger.

ThunderCactus June 30th, 2014 21:22

might be a motor problem
check your brushes and see if they're moving freely or worn out

DMB90 November 18th, 2014 10:21

My ptw motor recently broke due to a broken wire in the armature. I am thinking to try and rewind it. Does anybody know the gauge of wire and TPA on these motors?

Azathoth November 18th, 2014 10:32


Originally Posted by Wli (Post 1894140)
Only real reason to get a clone TW is to get confidence and more practice in taking apart your actual PTW so you can do some maintenance and what not yourself.

I spent 150 to buy a DTW so I can use it to test electronics, and motors. It isn't truly compatible with systema but its better than taking apart my personal working guns to test other individual dead guns.


Originally Posted by Flash (Post 1898550)
MY FET board have a 35v fuse if i put an 30 it normal the fuse blow

Replace it with a 35a. SYstema went to a 35a partly due to fuse burning out at 30a from 'false positive'

ThunderCactus November 18th, 2014 11:46


Originally Posted by DMB90 (Post 1920578)
My ptw motor recently broke due to a broken wire in the armature. I am thinking to try and rewind it. Does anybody know the gauge of wire and TPA on these motors?

You have one of them sitting in front of you right now and you can't check the TPA and wire gauge on it?

DMB90 November 18th, 2014 13:37


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1920596)
You have one of them sitting in front of you right now and you can't check the TPA and wire gauge on it?

I can. It just be easier to cut the wires and pull them off without having to count the coils. I don't have a tool to measure the wire gauge. It look like 22 or 24.

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