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i am really new to all this airsoft stuff, however i have started to collect a few. i hope even with little experience with the wear and tear of these guns my input will be of some use. its real great to see this study thanks alot, its already making me think of what i should get next following posts will include my current inventory |
1) Make and Model
-- Systema, PTW M4A1 SCK 2007 2) Date Purchased -- June 2007 3) Cost -- $1000USD 4) New/Used? -- Used 5) Mechanical Problems -- N/A 6) Esthetic Problems -- N/A 7) Rounds Fired Between Failures -- No failures 8) Changes to Internals & Externals -- PDI 6.04mm tightbore 9) Resale Date and Value -- N/A |
1) Manufacturer, Model Name
-Cyma AKS74U 4) New or Used -New 5) Mechanical Problems -None 6) Esthetic Problems -The pin that keep the upper part of the front handguard flew away when I opened the upper to remove the battery. Handguard stays in place, but I'll repair it anyway. Sling ring near stock bent and fell off -Replaced 7) Rounds fired between failures -At least 6000 since purchase, no failures 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -Spring downgrade to 330fps 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -I love the compact size, No misfeeds, very satisfied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Manufacturer, Model Name -JG HK 416 2nd gen FMU 4) New or Used -New 5) Mechanical Problems -None 6) Esthetic Problems -Bit of wobble in RIS, trades a bit off 7) Rounds fired between failures -NA, not gamed yet, plinked about 50 rounds 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -Spring downgrade to 330-350fps intended 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -Not played enough with it to comment, though the look is good, trades are a bit off but meh, hefty weight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Manufacturer, Model Name -TM / JG hybrid MP5A4 Navy 4) New or Used -Used 5) Mechanical Problems -Would stop completely sometimes (summer 2008). Problem solved, it was the fuse holder...piece of crap has been fixed, no failure since 6) Esthetic Problems -None 7) Rounds fired between failures -At least 12000 since purchase, no failures, and was used a lot before me. 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -Standard maintenance, fuse holder replaced 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -Very first AEG, gave me some good times, I love the look of an MP5 with flashlight hanguard, looks badass with a SWAT loadout ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Manufacturer, Model Name -KJW Beretta M9 FMU 4) New or Used -New 5) Mechanical Problems -None 6) Esthetic Problems -A bit of wear from the Serpa holster 7) Rounds fired between failures -Around 500 since purchase, no failures 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -None. Oh yeah, added a sleeve grip, Hogue style 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -Good piece for the money. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Manufacturer, Model Name -Crosman SP34 trishot shotgun 4) New or Used -New 5) Mechanical Problems -None 6) Esthetic Problems -None apart from normal wear. 7) Rounds fired between failures -Around 1000 since purchase, no failures 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -Painted black, sanded the internal pump rails for smoother action. 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -A very happy surprise. This little monster is a killer outdoors with .28, and with a mix of .12/.20/.25 indoors, magnificient spread and amazing range. Recommended to anyone for CQB or as a backup, since it's made of plastic, it's light even for a full day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1) Manufacturer, Model Name
-----Firepower F4boys M4A1 (clear) AEG 2) Date Obtained -----January 2010 3) Initial Cost -----$75 CDN 4) New or Used -----New 5) Mechanical Problems -----when firing sometimes there is a BB jam when it gets to the last BB in a run on the clip 6) Esthetic Problems -----adjusting sight is quite loose and you have to find a way to permanently set a calibration. 7) Rounds fired between failures -----approx 200 BB's to date 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -----N/A 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. ------N/A 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -----Pretty happy with it for my first airsoft rifle. |
1) Manufacturer, Model Name
-----KWC Smith & Wesson M&P 40 ------------(CO2, non blowback) clear model - semi 2) Date Obtained -----December 2009 3) Initial Cost -----$70 CDN 4) New or Used -----New 5) Mechanical Problems -----N/A 6) Esthetic Problems -----N/A 7) Rounds fired between failures -----100 BB no failures 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -----N/A 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. ------N/A 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -----Really happy with this airsoft pistol. close to mid range Very accurate. Not sure if this is considered a mechanical problem but if the magazine is loaded, and the trigger is pulled with the safety on it still loads a BB in. |
1) Manufacturer, Model Name (name of weapon on box, and weapon replicated if different from model name)
- Umarex H&K MP5N 2) Date Obtained - October 2009 3) Initial Cost - 120$ 4) New or Used - New 5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related -- supply date of issue) - None so far 6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related -- supply date of issue) - Wobbly magazine/stock 7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed. If no failure, list rounds fired up to this point) - Around 8000 rounds fired so far 8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates) - Painted the clear parts 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. - None 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) - I am very careful with this gun |
1) Velocity Arms, VK416 Sniper
- 2) January 2010 - 3) $350 - 4) New - 5) It's picky on which magazines it takes, some won't feed properly but work in other guns perfectly. - 6) Hand grips/barrel was loose upon arrival. I think it was jarred during shipping. I tightened it up, put a small piece of electrical tape on the nub where the grip meets the receiver and there's now NO wobble or movement whatsoever. - 7) 5000+ rounds through, no failures thus far. - 8) Modify Tappet plate/nozzle/metal sleeves replaced the factory plastic ones, 9.6V 4000mah, triggermaster Mosfet, Milspex 3-point sling, Magpul rail covers - 9) N/A - No plans to sell. - 10)Notes and Comments: Gun feels extremely solid and sturdy once I tightened things up. It shoots straight and rounds are clustered nicely together. The gun has a nice feel, sound and a little bit of kick when you squeeze off rounds. At 75 feet using .25s the gun was firing dead on, hitting a soup can 5 out of 10 times on full auto. I'm impressed with that. I didn't even have to adjust my red dot after sighting in at 25 feet. The gun chrono'd at 429fps out of box w/0.2 gram BBs. Gun currently fires at around ~380fps on avg. I can hit out to ~200 feet, but really only 150 feet with any REAL accuracy. I plan on installing a Prometheus 6.03 tight bore barrel along with a new JG hop-up unit with a system rubber sleeve and a shredders hop-up bucking. 1) KWC S&W M&P 40 (Co2) - 2) January 2010 - 3) $80 - 4) New - 5) Zero problems - 6) Zero problems - 7) 500+ rounds so far, nothing to report. - 8) Pistol is and will remain completely stock. - 9) N/A - No plans to sell. - 10)Notes and Comments: The factory magazine holds 15 rounds and uses Co2 to get the BBs moving. Packaging claims 380fps with .12 gram BBs. It packs quite a whallop for a cheap pistol in any case. It still impresses me that I can easily hit a body at 100+ feet, and have loaned it out to other members who were also thoroughly impressed with it. Has a nice heavy feeling to it as well. The gun chronos at about 320-330 fps with .2 gram BBs. |
1) Velocity Arms VFC Sniper
- 2) January 2010 - 3) $350 - 4) New - 5) Upon inspection of the barrel and hop-up, the rubber was torn on a poorly machined barrel when it was put together. The rip in the rubber was on the nub that contacts the balls. Also the groove cut into the barrel to line up the rubber was cut at an angle, causing the rubber to be somewhat twisted on the barrel. - 6) Some scratches on the metal hand guard were touched up with a sharpie marker before the gun ever got to me. Still scratches quite easily. Barrel has massive wobble if you do not tighten the 2nd small locking ring all the way back to brace it against the forward receiver hinge, but that doesn't fix the problem completely. This also prevents you from lining up the front grip properly if you wanted to put a bipod on...will have to use shims or drill your own hole. Lots of play/flex in the rear stock as well. Even with the full stock you really have to McGyer and jam the 8.4v battery pack into it. - 7) 1000 rounds through the gun so far. - 8) Carry handle removed and replaced with rear Troy folding sight. 3-9x39 Tasco scope attached also. I have replaced the factory hopup with a Guarder 2 piece and a Guarder rubber. I have also installed Shredder's Concave Spacer. I also replaced the poorly made factory barrel with a 6.03 tight bore MadBull barrel (509mm). - 9) I doubt anyone would buy it off me with these kinds of performance numbers. - 10) Initial test with factory parts: At 25 feet I have a 3-4 inch grouping with the occasional shot missing out by several more inches. At range, shots are curving in all directions (mostly left and right though they are inconsistent up and down aswell) starting around 50 feet out. My semi-auto grouping at 75 feet is around 24 inches with .2's and slightly better with .25's. Things are a bit better on full auto, maybe an 18 inch grouping on average. After hopup/barrel upgrades: I have no had a chance to test the gun at range, however it is already shooting in a MUCH tighter grouping at 25 feet, I would say under an inch if not all in the same hole, no stray shots at all. Hopup has not been turned on at all yet. Gun tested by VA before shipment with a chrono of 393 fps w/ 0.2g balls. I have chrono'd the gun at home after changing the hopup and adding a tightbore barrel and am now shooting an average of 315 fps w/ 0.2g balls. None of that makes sense to me and goes against everything that is supposed to happen when you use a tighter barrel. I can only assume I am losing air pressure between the nozzle and hopup. |
Isnt that kinda Misleading? at first glance I thought u ment the Brand VFC as in "Vega Force Company". I dont mean this to the poster, but rather velocity arms for naming a cansoft gun after another brand. Its kinda like saying. "I have a Cansoft G&G SystemA M16". I have nothing against frank mind you, so long as this is unintentional. I would however have reservations if this was done on purpose for marketing reasons.
But when theres a well known high-end airsoft manufacturer called VFC it would have made more sense to differentiate between the two in order to not mislead people into thinking maybe its a VFC gun when its not. He could have called it the VUFC if all he wanted to do was add a V in the name.
Lol UFC Sniper is it a douchebag in an Affliction/Sprawl/etc. t-shirt and a L96?
Sounds like FP1990 :D |
1) Manufacturer, Model Name
-Army Armament R81A1 4) New or Used -New 5) Mechanical Problems -Piston broke after a couple weeks of use. 6) Esthetic Problems -None 7) Rounds fired between failures -Just over 10,000 then the rear tooth broke off the piston 8) Changes to Internals and Externals -none as of yet. 9) Resale Date and Value if applicable. -NA 10)Notes and Comments (Optional) -Purchased on a whim, fantastic weight and feel (full steel) Going to find a replacement piston and start looking at upgrades. |
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