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Eeyore December 20th, 2011 23:07

Hey an AK that wont feel like shit to shoulder. Will deff get one.

The Keiichione December 20th, 2011 23:21

Conker, you already know what is my opinion on that.

ThunderCactus December 21st, 2011 00:04

HA, it's got a railed cover ON it's cover!
Anyway, hideous gun. I'll take a bare bones AK74M over that anyday

ViR December 21st, 2011 00:11

Can I start hating now or should I wait for it to come out?

Padkiller December 21st, 2011 00:12

Vltor stock, RIS, 249 grip, they even added an AR flashider to the damn thing, why don't you just buy an M4, at least you won't look dumb! That's ridiculous!!!

Kozzie December 21st, 2011 00:13

The enhanced fire selector and mag release are the only real improvements over a plain old AK. Everything else is just all kinds of fugly. Looks like some sort of franken-gun. If an M4 a Sig a Galil and an AK had an drunken orgy this gun would be the red headed mouth breathing bastard child with the clef lip that they all wish had been aborted.

Pass... I'll stick to my type 56.


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1578507)
Can I start hating now or should I wait for it to come out?

Start now :D

Slow December 21st, 2011 00:16

Strelok December 21st, 2011 00:21

Posting stuff like this is the equivalent of posting child porn.

You sick, sick fuck.

Quick! Fill the thread with pictures of what AK's should look like!

Padkiller December 21st, 2011 00:23


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1578516)
Posting stuff like this is the equivalent of posting child porn.

You sick, sick fuck.

Quick! Fill the thread with pictures of what AK's should look like!

You, man, just saved my soul from going to hell!!!

ratnest December 21st, 2011 00:30

an ak that can mount modern optics? and adjustable length of stock? blasphemy!

i love the look of aks but find them the least comfortable thing to shoulder, and i hete their sights. that thing fixes two of my problems with aks, while maintaining the silhouette i like.

RacingManiac December 21st, 2011 00:44

I like mine better....but I do want that selector...

Qlong December 21st, 2011 00:46

Styrak December 21st, 2011 00:48


Originally Posted by RUSTSPOT (Post 1578442)
I got an idea!

Buy an AR!!!


Originally Posted by Padkiller (Post 1578508)
Vltor stock, RIS, 249 grip, they even added an AR flashider to the damn thing, why don't you just buy an M4, at least you won't look dumb! That's ridiculous!!!

Cause it shoots 30cal, yeaaaaaaaaaah.

Schoolboy December 21st, 2011 01:09

I like it. Modern AK's are very nice need to update them at some point. I like traditional but honestly, i would prefer a railed version. It means more options.

ViR December 21st, 2011 01:11

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Хорошая идея..

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