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Morgan822 January 13th, 2010 22:10

but guys you have to remember it goes by airmail and it is the winter so storms are to be expected witch delays the mail. so they are doing the best they can. and besides its not there fault if the plane is delayed. there are alot of medagating factors

PaddMadd January 14th, 2010 04:44

People should start shipping via Greyhound Courier. It's faster than Rosie O'Donnell sitting down too fast, and it's cheap(in some cases cheaper than CP). At most it's a few hours late, none of this day/week/month crap that we have to put up with when dealing with CP. I ship things with them all the time, and never a problem. Maybe if people start phasing out CP and using a courier that's actually cheaper than them in most cases, they'll get their shit together(but I doubt it!).

I think if Frank or Ken decides to ship with them, I will be the guinea pig and buy the first product!

etd January 14th, 2010 04:58

I have a one up on all of you... Ordered a sig 556 from Halifax airsoft. Coming up on a week late now... They just realized they never shipped it from missisauga. I had to get sudmarine man to run a trace and ask for shipping costs back. Only than did CP decide to find the parcel.
Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.
Track Status
Product Type: Expedited Parcels
Expected Delivery : 2010/01/08
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2010/01/14 04:28 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
Track History
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2010/01/14 04:28 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
2010/01/06 23:48 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
2010/01/04 14:31 DARTMOUTH Item accepted at the Post Office

Boyso January 18th, 2010 15:41

If you used Xpresspost, they can refund you if they deliver late. (I don't know if it's a full-refund tho.)

Good thing, cuz they're always late.

KNIVEZS January 18th, 2010 15:47


Originally Posted by LastSpartan (Post 1144798)
If you used Xpresspost, they can refund you if they deliver late. (I don't know if it's a full-refund tho.)

Good thing, cuz they're always late.

yes they offer full refund. i sent my gun express to my gundoc and it was late by 2 days. i filled a complaint and received a check after a week.
i believed they only offer refunds for parcels that has been shipped through express or priority

Spike January 18th, 2010 16:22

It's actually Xpresspost, Priority, and Expedited.

jtf2-phalanx January 18th, 2010 16:24


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 1144801)
yes they offer full refund. i sent my gun express to my gundoc and it was late by 2 days. i filled a complaint and received a check after a week.
i believed they only offer refunds for parcels that has been shipped through express or priority

Now, here's a question... does the sender or receiver file the complaint? Also, who gets the money in a sales transaction. My assumption would be the buyer since they usually pay for shipping in the sale but I guess it depends on who paid for it.

Boyso January 18th, 2010 16:37

No, it's the sender.

Eien January 27th, 2010 00:22

Damn you Canada Post... is it SO HARD just to leave a simple delivery notice? :\

StrikeFreedom February 6th, 2010 13:49

Since I am located in Toronto, all my previous international orders arrived in Mississauga pending custom checks followed by CP processing. However I have an order from China that arrived in Vancouver, is that normal?

Mudder February 8th, 2010 19:29

Now joining the rest of you, sent an expresspost on the 3rd, tracking
# says
Please note that this is the most up-to-date information available in our system. Our telephone agents have access to the same information presented here.

2010/02/03 14:47 WELLAND Item accepted at the Post Office

Was promised one day delivery to the gov't address in TO!
Got my whole life in there, perfect for ID theft, better just be incompetence and not some dishonest employee. Or I'll go ape shit on somebody! No email confirmations either.
Would have been better off with UPS or driving it there myself.

T-Hell February 8th, 2010 23:00

have done many many orders
some for about $2000 some for 750 some for 150 and a lot more I can't remember (about 10 + orders in the last year and a half and always had to sign for the package either the post carrier or at the outlet

never been dinged duties at all ever.. only had one package opened by customs (the last one) Huge box over $2000 worth of goodies in there (group order for Manitoba Airsoft Association members)

wind953 February 9th, 2010 19:17

I've had my fair share of dealing with CP lateness, no pickup notice laziness, and seemingly large collection of incompetent employees.
Also I don't get the point of the order tracking status update system if nothing is updated until hours and hours (sometimes a whole day) after some status change.

Some of their general disregard for professionalism is also pretty amazing. I once brought a package of fragile items to the office. I asked the guy to stick on a couple of Fragile labels. After slapping on all those labels (the Fragile label being the last one), the stupid fucktard proceeded to drop the whole box from waist height onto the floor behind the counter and kicked it towards the corner. Did he think he was putting on Hello Kitty stickers?! It's marked for fragile! The moron probably thought I could not see behind the counter.
I was furious and demanded he hand me the box and reopened it to inspect the contents for damage. The stupid asshole was lucky everything was fine. And I was lucky that I put enough padding in there.

Yeah seriously...CP sucks ass. Though I must admit it's been a while since the last less than satisfactory service.

Mudder February 10th, 2010 04:27

I have good luck receiving but its when I send out that they drive me nuts, though up to now its been pretty good.

No change, started an investigation, going to the credit union in the morn to ask that they email me when the money order clears. At least that way I'll know it got to the Bay Street address.

Ayashifx55 February 16th, 2010 13:25

have it happened to you guys??? I purchased a scar-L from a member, ontario. I'm from quebec. Were just beside each other. Tracking number says expected delivery is 2/12/2010 , we are tuesday ...... Then suddenly, today i tried to track the tracking number again. It says the Tracking number does not exist...............

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